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Msg ID: 2765424 Never again..  +7/-2     
2/16/2023 11:08:15 AM

I will never fly into or around the Sabine Pass area again. All you weirdos down there can have it. Never have I been more scared as a pilot than I was last night. Some weird s Hit going on down there in South East Texas. 

Msg ID: 2765425 Never again..  +8/-1     
Author:Bristow Max
2/16/2023 11:27:25 AM

Reply to: 2765424

Can't blame you. 

I was recently flying from Galveston to Port Arthur in a B407GX and saw some very strange stationary lights hovering (roughly 500 AGL) over the water about two miles west of Sabine Pass. TCAS didn't show anything, and no one was talking. My first thought was that someone was flying a drone near the old lighthouse, but at that moment the object shot out over the ocean at speeds that had to be greater that 200kts. Literally went from stationary to 200kts at the blink of an eye. Shortly after seeing the lights disapear, I began to hear an old CBS Radio News broadcast from February 1st, 1943 over the SBI VOR frequency (115.4).

As if this wasn't odd enough, and just as I was crossing over High Island, I heard someone on 123.025 identifying as 'Pumpkin Air', calling 'final' into the Texas Menhaden strip (XS76), an old field that has been inoperative for years. So I keyed up on 123.025 in attempts to reach the Pumpkin Aircraft, but my radio only returned static, and then completely shut down. (By the way, didn't  Pumpkin Air go out of business several decades ago?) 

In any case, I was finally able to regain power to the radio just south of Port Arthur, before heading into KBPT. I have never in my life experienced anything this eerie in flight. 

Msg ID: 2765426 Never again..  +7/-0     
2/16/2023 11:29:00 AM

Reply to: 2765424

What a blast from the past!   We need to hear commentary from Bear and the Texas Talking Tom Cat....

Msg ID: 2765450 Never again..  +0/-0     
Author:WeBeGeBe 9
2/16/2023 1:30:03 PM

Reply to: 2765424

Do tell.

Msg ID: 2765469 Never again..  +0/-1     
Author:I want to believe
2/16/2023 4:20:13 PM

Reply to: 2765424

Can you share more about what happened? 

Msg ID: 2765501 Never again..  +4/-1     
Author:Former Sabine Flyer
2/16/2023 7:53:30 PM

Reply to: 2765469

Sure. I was ferrying a 407 from Galveston to Lake Charles via KGLS V70 WOLDE SBI MARSA LCH KCWF. Weather was MVFR, I’m at 2500ft. Directly over SBI I heard, AND FELT the loudest explosion, followed by a very bright green flash, like you see when a transformer blows.  Suddenly all of my instruments failed, panel lights were flickering, and music from what I think was 1940’s was playing through the Bose. I had been talking to Houston Center but had no joy in even trying to get the radios to work. I was wanting to see about making a precautionary landing in Sabine Pass, but I couldn’t see anything and I couldn’t talk to anyone. All aircraft operations were otherwise normal, and alas, she kept flying. I actually pulled out the flash light and VFR sectional to see if I could make sense of where I was, but again, I had zero visibility. The entire event occurred over a span of about 2-3 minutes, after which the panel lit back up, and all instruments began functioning again. About that time I heard Houston Center calling me saying they had been trying to hand me off. It’s a good thing I used the bathroom before departure.

Msg ID: 2765504 Knowing the history of SP, I would expect a lot of  +1/-1     
Author:ghosts hang around that place
2/16/2023 9:22:13 PM

Reply to: 2765424


Msg ID: 2765644 Knowing the history of SP, I would expect a lot of  +0/-0     
2/17/2023 8:29:40 PM

Reply to: 2765504

During the operation of the USAF radar base in Houma, LA, circa 1960's, a target 5 miles wide was picked up directly over the base at several thousand feet. It then decended to 500' and disappeared. Other sightngs by locals have been noted for years.

Msg ID: 2765825 Knowing the history of SP, I would expect a lot of  +0/-0     
Author:The Texas Talking Tom Kat
2/19/2023 7:55:14 PM

Reply to: 2765644

There was never a USAF Base in Houma, La. (maybe Navy?)

Msg ID: 2765945 Never again..  +0/-0     
Author:New IP Guy
2/20/2023 7:02:58 PM

Reply to: 2765424

After reading all the replies and OP in the thread, I was certain that 1 of you was the Sabine Pass guy. Now I am not so sure.

I haven't seen or heard of the Sabine Pass guy in so long, that I really came to miss him. If you are out there, post more!

So says the New IP Guy. Posting from a new IP address every day. Unable to be banned. And if you were to ban this address, you would only be shooting yourself in the foot as you frequently do. In the process, you would be banning numerous aircrew that also post from this address. Ban if you must. Ban if it makes you feel good. But you are only hurting yourself. 

Msg ID: 2767218 Never again..  +0/-0     
Author:We are not alone
3/5/2023 8:31:51 PM

Reply to: 2765945

You need to send these stories to Ancient Aliens show. 
