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Msg ID: 2765342 Clean haircut  +11/-3     
Author:Should all pilots
2/15/2023 6:24:14 PM

Have clean haircuts and shaves? 

Msg ID: 2765343 Clean haircut  +5/-1     
2/15/2023 6:39:21 PM

Reply to: 2765342

You want to be treated like a professional, then look like one. 

Msg ID: 2765344 Clean haircut  +6/-4     
Author:Retired Professional
2/15/2023 6:39:28 PM

Reply to: 2765342

When I got my CFIH back in 1984 you were taught to be professional. Haircut and shave everyday....

Msg ID: 2765358 If you're working as a CFI-H, that makes sense (NT) +1/-1     
2/15/2023 7:35:10 PM

Reply to: 2765344

Msg ID: 2765363 Clean haircut  +1/-2     
2/15/2023 8:10:25 PM

Reply to: 2765344

got a hair cut every day!??? 😲

Msg ID: 2765373 Clean haircut  +1/-1     
2/15/2023 9:36:19 PM

Reply to: 2765363

Damn right! And walked three hours both ways to do it!

Msg ID: 2765347 Clean haircut (NT) +15/-2     
Author:and cover up the stupid tattoos
2/15/2023 6:47:05 PM

Reply to: 2765342

Msg ID: 2765360 Clean haircut  +5/-1     
2/15/2023 7:58:17 PM

Reply to: 2765342

I was just asking for public opinions. I am not saying I think we should all be shaven. I think twice per week is plenty, personally. Or if there is a specific flight that calls for it such as a corporate transport etc.


it's a free country. Let it grow if you like. 

Msg ID: 2765368 Clean haircut  +0/-3     
Author:Zed Zed Top
2/15/2023 8:39:08 PM

Reply to: 2765342

Look at just about any rich and/or powerful man...businesmann or politician. Almost all of them are clean-shaven. Even Jack Dorsey (dubbed "the hipster Rasputin") has triimmed his weird beard back so it looks less bizarre and more presentable. Why is it that, with very few exceptions) most really powerful men don't have beards? I mean, Elon doesn't have to shave evey day, does he?  Gates? Buffett? They don't have to, so why do they? 

Msg ID: 2765433 Clean haircut  +1/-1     
Author:Hair Peace
2/16/2023 11:35:18 AM

Reply to: 2765368
So if I shave and have a "repspectable" haircut in my EMS job I'll get a raise and be more professional?? Go fk off with youre BS.

Msg ID: 2765495 Great comeback! Put me right in my place, it did! +0/-3     
Author:R.V. Winklestein
2/16/2023 6:39:50 PM

Reply to: 2765433

So if I shave and have a "repspectable" haircut in my EMS job I'll get a raise and be more professional?? Go fk off with youre BS.

No, I never said that. And it's an interesting, immature and illogical leap on your part. You seem like a very angry, obnoxious person. I would say "angry, obnoxious man" but I cannot be sure that your are an adult anything. There certainly are teenage trolls pretending to be professionals on this board, and you may be one of them. In other words, I seriously doubt that you are an actual EMS pilot. Heh, even the thought of it makes me laugh. My point was only an observation that most rich and powerful men (something that will no doubt elude you) do not have beards. So you do you, brah.

Msg ID: 2765372 Clean haircut  +4/-1     
2/15/2023 9:18:30 PM

Reply to: 2765342
I don't spend alot of time worrying about other men's grooming habits.

Msg ID: 2765393 Clean haircut  +2/-1     
2/15/2023 11:21:49 PM

Reply to: 2765372

All I know is my wife likes a no whisker face. Now the rest of you say “ yeah, that‘s What she tells me “.

Msg ID: 2765400 Clean haircut  +2/-0     
Author:Lop Sided Sid
2/16/2023 4:48:25 AM

Reply to: 2765393

I wear a full beard, but trimmed fairly short.  Haircut every three weeks or so.  I shave my neck.

Msg ID: 2765488 Clean haircut  +2/-2     
Author:Mr. Clean
2/16/2023 5:32:37 PM

Reply to: 2765342

If you are a professional pilot (key word "professional "), you need to look it. Keep hair trimmed. If no beard, shave on work days. If mustache or beard, neatly trimmed. The customer will have more respect and confidence in you. Show up to work with shaggy hair and three days growth, the customer will think you're coming off a bender. 

Msg ID: 2765604 Clean haircut  +2/-2     
2/17/2023 3:17:58 PM

Reply to: 2765488

Maybe if companies and CP's cared less about a pilots facial hair and more about their flying ability there'd be far less crashes. But hey, keep telling yourself because someone has a beard or tattoos they cant fly a f'ing helicopter

Msg ID: 2765682 Clean haircut  +0/-2     
Author:if someone has a bunch of tats
2/18/2023 10:28:56 AM

Reply to: 2765604

it is telling you something.

Msg ID: 2765684 Clean haircut  +1/-1     
Author:probably be less crashes
2/18/2023 10:38:35 AM

Reply to: 2765604

if they hired more bearded tattoo guys lol

Msg ID: 2765643 Clean haircut  +1/-1     
Author:Get a life
2/17/2023 8:23:37 PM

Reply to: 2765342

Really?  Nothing else to worry about?

Msg ID: 2765947 Clean haircut  +0/-0     
Author:New IP Guy
2/20/2023 7:10:49 PM

Reply to: 2765342

No. But they should be fit, trim, dashing, and always wear a white silk scarf. If you aren't or don't, you are a disgrace. Consolidate your feces!

So says the New IP Guy. Posting from a new IP address every day. Unable to be banned. And if you were to ban this address, you would only be shooting yourself in the foot as you frequently do. In the process, you would be banning numerous aircrew that also post from this address. Ban if you must. Ban if it makes you feel good. But you are only hurting yourself.
