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Msg ID: 2765301 Flying in Crocs +4/-7     
Author:Adequate protection
2/15/2023 12:02:00 PM

Outside of rated fire boots there isn't going to be enough protection in the event of a crash. Stop criticizing me when I wear crocs to fly

Msg ID: 2765310 Flying in Crocs +10/-2     
2/15/2023 1:27:45 PM

Reply to: 2765301

Is this what you mean?


Msg ID: 2765318 Flying in Crocs +3/-2     
Author:croc blocker
2/15/2023 2:02:05 PM

Reply to: 2765301

What is the female version of tea bagging?  Flapaccino 

Msg ID: 2765331 Flying in Crocs +3/-2     
2/15/2023 3:45:18 PM

Reply to: 2765301

 if You crash a helicopter hard enough that it catches fire it won't matter what you are wearing. 

Msg ID: 2765335 Flying in Crocs +0/-2     
2/15/2023 4:23:39 PM

Reply to: 2765301

As long as you want to burn your feet wearing Crocs you might as well wear shorts and burn your legs also.

Msg ID: 2765339 Flying in Crocs +0/-1     
2/15/2023 5:07:09 PM

Reply to: 2765335

Take it easy it's just a pair of crocs 

Msg ID: 2765464 Flying in Crocs +0/-0     
Author:Rip V. Winkle
2/16/2023 3:54:37 PM

Reply to: 2765339

And just when you think this forum can't get any worse !

Msg ID: 2765478 Flying in Crocs (NT) +0/-0     
Author: No
2/16/2023 5:16:28 PM

Reply to: 2765301

Msg ID: 2765949 Flying in Crocs +0/-0     
Author:New IP Guy
2/20/2023 7:13:53 PM

Reply to: 2765301

Another classic thread. In so many ways.

So says the New IP Guy. Posting from a new IP address every day. Unable to be banned. And if you were to ban this address, you would only be shooting yourself in the foot as you frequently do. In the process, you would be banning numerous aircrew that also post from this address. Ban if you must. Ban if it makes you feel good. But you are only hurting yourself.
