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Msg ID: 2763946 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +0/-1     
Author:Nosey pilot
2/3/2023 7:53:17 AM
Is it true that they all bumped there pier diem to 50$ a day phi is only paying 30$

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Msg ID: 2763947 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +1/-1     
Author:GOV Rates
2/3/2023 8:13:07 AM

Reply to: 2763946


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Msg ID: 2763954 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +0/-0     
Author:PHI has been $30 for almost
2/3/2023 9:24:43 AM

Reply to: 2763946

15yrs has always been a sticking point even on the EMS side to increase it and keep getting the same BS statement from the Prez "we will look into it" while they have unlimted expenses on their company CC...

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Msg ID: 2763961 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +2/-3     
2/3/2023 11:26:07 AM

Reply to: 2763954

Fact check: PHI per diem was $9/day from the time Moses parted the Red Sea until August 2022 when it was increased to $30/day. I don't know what other O&G operators per diem rates are but I also have heard it is in the $40-$50 range. Maybe some other folks will chime in on their rates. Although the increase to $30/day was appreciated, it was too little after such a long wait and has been severely impacted by inflation and fuel prices. An increase would be nice but comparing the amount of per diem for a front-line pilot/mechanic to the expenses incurred by the prez and other execs is unrealistic....apples to oranges. 

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Msg ID: 2763963 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +0/-1     
Author:oh yes
2/3/2023 11:44:02 AM

Reply to: 2763961

we shouldn't expect the big shots to get by on the same crappy per diem everybody else gets since they are apples and everybody else is an orange. 

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Msg ID: 2763966 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +0/-3     
2/3/2023 1:05:36 PM

Reply to: 2763963

Could you entertain customers and potential customers on a fixed per diem of $30/day or even $50/day? I think not. It is apples to oranges. However, I do agree that a $30/day per diem needs to be revisited. I could probbly break even at $45/day. 

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Msg ID: 2763975 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +0/-1     
Author:say wut
2/3/2023 1:41:49 PM

Reply to: 2763966

the per diem isn't for business expenses you stupid idiot. 

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Msg ID: 2763987 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +1/-0     
2/3/2023 2:33:25 PM

Reply to: 2763946

$30/day and 3% 401k, winner winner chicken dinner!!

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Msg ID: 2763988 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +1/-0     
Author:Former red (now blue)
2/3/2023 2:34:16 PM

Reply to: 2763946

$50 per day, show me that money!!!

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Msg ID: 2763992 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +0/-3     
2/3/2023 3:05:57 PM

Reply to: 2763988

Ah, a liberal. Typical I want what they have or I want what they have to be taken away. I just stated facts with a dab of personal opinion. Your response was to call me a'stupid idiot'? Come on, man...loosen up that man bun a little. I couldn't help it. 

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Msg ID: 2763999 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +5/-1     
Author:say wut
2/3/2023 3:27:11 PM

Reply to: 2763992

not sure how much of a retard you have to be to think management is using per diem for business expenses but here we are with some inverted dildo from alabama lol

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Msg ID: 2764022 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +2/-1     
2/3/2023 4:04:02 PM

Reply to: 2763999


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Msg ID: 2764109 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +1/-0     
Author:ever see
2/4/2023 6:57:40 AM

Reply to: 2764022

Hard to believe Y&B only paid $9 all through the 70's-80"s-90's-00's-10's up until past the great pandemic to finally meet GOM standards. Now still bottom of the barrel. I guess thats even one more reason to leave.  

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Msg ID: 2764136 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +0/-0     
Author:Weird Al
2/4/2023 11:26:06 AM

Reply to: 2764109

Unless you're less than 30 mins from a base I have no idea why you'd be employed by y&b

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Msg ID: 2764216 Era/bristow, rlc pier diem +0/-1     
2/5/2023 5:11:33 AM

Reply to: 2763946

Erastow is now paying $50/day per diem. As far as their international work...oh wait. Never mind. That doesn't apply anymore. 

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