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Msg ID: 2763929 Sparks 60 damaged +0/-1     
Author:Diesel Dave
2/2/2023 10:31:00 PM

Lots of rumors floating around Dave Sparks damaged his Blackhawk. Anyone know if it's true? Pictures?

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Msg ID: 2763934 Sparks 60 damaged +0/-1     
2/2/2023 10:44:47 PM

Reply to: 2763929

Maybe, he had a few hours in type..... and it was insured ? ?

If it's a write-off, replacements are available:


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Msg ID: 2763935 Sparks 60 damaged +2/-1     
Author:That’s what
2/3/2023 12:33:05 AM

Reply to: 2763929

You get when you have no experience and think the rules arnt meant for you. You watch, mark my words, some of those Instagram influencers will fly themselves into a smoldering hole with their stupid decision making.

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Msg ID: 2763938 Sparks 60 damaged +3/-2     
Author:whenever you hear someone say
2/3/2023 1:07:16 AM

Reply to: 2763935

mark my words, get ready for some special delivery dumbsh*ttery. 

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Msg ID: 2763939 Sparks 60 damaged +2/-1     
Author:Old azz
2/3/2023 1:12:03 AM

Reply to: 2763929

 So what? Helicopters get damaged all the time. Some by new pilots some old guys,  if true it's a sad case he probably had the nicest Blackhawk ever.

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Msg ID: 2764159 Sparks 60 damaged +0/-0     
Author:Gomer From Homer
2/4/2023 1:42:08 PM

Reply to: 2763929

Just wish I had all the money he p i s e s away on helicopters! Guy's got more money thanJed Clampitt and sure knows how to burn it!

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