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Msg ID: 2763257 Military pilot +5/-14     
Author:We are the best
1/26/2023 6:20:48 PM
Period. Bow down.

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Msg ID: 2763258 Military pilot +12/-2     
1/26/2023 6:27:31 PM

Reply to: 2763257

Bu Bye!

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Msg ID: 2763273 Military pilot +1/-1     
1/26/2023 10:22:57 PM

Reply to: 2763257
Bored, huh?

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Msg ID: 2763277 Military pilot +0/-5     
Author:Stupid fixer
1/26/2023 11:03:11 PM

Reply to: 2763257

 MD -530s fly on the left.  Rope os 75 feet long. youll be alone enough saidd

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Msg ID: 2763309 Military pilot +2/-1     
1/27/2023 9:51:14 AM

Reply to: 2763257

But...somethings don't need to be said...we are called the quiet professional for a reason.

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Msg ID: 2763340 Correct!  +0/-1     
Author:Eye Emma Wayne Kerr
1/27/2023 5:00:34 PM

Reply to: 2763257

The best at being the worst.  or sock king hock. which is it?

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Msg ID: 2763445 Military pilot +0/-0     
1/28/2023 5:10:14 PM

Reply to: 2763257

really.  But u do u.

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