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Msg ID: 2763165 Which one of you dopes got arrested? +1/-2     
1/26/2023 1:01:30 AM

Probably the tree fiddy guy.


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Msg ID: 2763168 Which one of you dopes got arrested? +5/-1     
1/26/2023 3:05:58 AM

Reply to: 2763165

"Fouquette, I don't need this job anyway"

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Msg ID: 2763169 Which one of you dopes got arrested? +6/-1     
1/26/2023 3:07:07 AM

Reply to: 2763168

He definitely should have been "Aaron" on the side of Safety.

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Msg ID: 2763176 Which one of you dopes got arrested? +0/-1     
1/26/2023 8:28:01 AM

Reply to: 2763169

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Msg ID: 2763179 Seen lots and lots of med types come to work and quickly disappear (NT) +1/-2     
Author:to sleep it off....
1/26/2023 8:39:03 AM

Reply to: 2763165

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Msg ID: 2763189 Which one of you dopes got arrested? +18/-2     
1/26/2023 9:55:11 AM

Reply to: 2763165

It's important to note that alcohol can play an important role in helping one to cope with management and med crews.

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Msg ID: 2763191 Seen this before +0/-1     
1/26/2023 10:00:11 AM

Reply to: 2763165

Show up drunk or hungover, ground the aircraft on preflight for something stupid and go to bed! 

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Msg ID: 2763198 Being on duty is what the FAA considers the benchmark (NT) +0/-3     
Author:not actually flying it.
1/26/2023 12:12:14 PM

Reply to: 2763191

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Msg ID: 2763200 Being on duty is what the FAA considers the benchmark +0/-1     
1/26/2023 1:00:58 PM

Reply to: 2763198

it is intent to fly. if you want to duty in for a travel day, get as drunk as you want. FAA don't care. 

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Msg ID: 2763207 Sorry, that is not correct.  +1/-1     
Author:If you are on-duty as the PIC.....
1/26/2023 1:50:21 PM

Reply to: 2763200

§ 91.17 Alcohol or drugs.

(a) No person may act or attempt to act as a crewmember of a civil aircraft -

(1) Within 8 hours after the consumption of any alcoholic beverage;

(2) While under the influence of alcohol;

(3) While using any drug that affects the person's faculties in any way contrary to safety; or

(4) While having an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater in a blood or breath specimen. Alcohol concentration means grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath.



But, you are free to test that concept youself if you'd like!

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Msg ID: 2763211 Sorry, that is not correct.  +1/-2     
Author:like I said
1/26/2023 2:43:49 PM

Reply to: 2763207

there was no intent to fly as he was in the process of commuting to work. he was not at work and did not accept a flight. case closed. 

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Msg ID: 2763216 And, like I said, you are dutied in as the PIC, preflighting +2/-1     
Author:and making a decision to not fly.
1/26/2023 2:59:03 PM

Reply to: 2763211

Your "intent" doesn't have anything to do with it, since you are on duty, and the prima facia evidence is that you are acting and intending to act as a Part 135 pilot.


Call in sick and don't duty on if you want to avoid the violation and enforcement action!

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Msg ID: 2763218 And, like I said, you are dutied in as the PIC, preflighting +0/-2     
Author:he wasn't on duty
1/26/2023 3:07:20 PM

Reply to: 2763216

you dumbass so you can stop right there lol JFC do I need to draw you a picture

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Msg ID: 2763226 who wasn't, the guy who hypothetically said show up to work,preflight (NT) +0/-0     
Author:and find something to ground the acft?
1/26/2023 3:31:56 PM

Reply to: 2763218

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Msg ID: 2763228 who wasn't, the guy who hypothetically said show up to work,preflight +0/-0     
1/26/2023 3:37:59 PM

Reply to: 2763226

that didn't happen so that guy doesn't exist. are you on crack

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Msg ID: 2763224 And, like I said, you are dutied in as the PIC, preflighting +1/-0     
Author:fine words of wisdom
1/26/2023 3:22:22 PM

Reply to: 2763216

if you don't go to work drunk, you won't have the problems of going to work drunk and I never would have thought of that.

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Msg ID: 2763225 And, like I said, you are dutied in as the PIC, preflighting +0/-0     
Author:I'm going to make a poster
1/26/2023 3:23:40 PM

Reply to: 2763224

and put it up on the wall at the base:



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Msg ID: 2763227 It's already on the wall, part of the OSHA/HR poster BB array (NT) +0/-0     
1/26/2023 3:33:37 PM

Reply to: 2763225

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Msg ID: 2763212 Sorry, that is not correct.  +0/-2     
1/26/2023 2:44:31 PM

Reply to: 2763207

he was not on duty as a pilot 

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Msg ID: 2763217 who wasn't?? The guy getting the dui, or the guy who grounded the acft (NT) +0/-1     
Author:and went to bed at the base?
1/26/2023 3:00:31 PM

Reply to: 2763212

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Msg ID: 2763223 who wasn't?? The guy getting the dui, or the guy who grounded the acft +0/-1     
Author:the prima facie evidence
1/26/2023 3:20:01 PM

Reply to: 2763217

was on duty

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Msg ID: 2763199 Seen this before +1/-1     
Author:maybe a better idea
1/26/2023 12:55:16 PM

Reply to: 2763191

don't show up drunk to work in the first place. this guy was lit up.

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Msg ID: 2763193 Which one of you dopes got arrested? +6/-1     
1/26/2023 10:24:06 AM

Reply to: 2763165

Its as easy as calling in sick

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Msg ID: 2763194 I'll drink to that! (NT) +3/-2     
1/26/2023 10:33:07 AM

Reply to: 2763193

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Msg ID: 2763204 I'll drink to that! +1/-1     
Author:Lop sided Sid
1/26/2023 1:34:42 PM

Reply to: 2763194

You have to immediately report a DUI to the FAA Aeromedical flight surgeon in OKC, wither you were on duty or not

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Msg ID: 2763206 I'll drink to that! +1/-1     
Author:you sure
1/26/2023 1:43:44 PM

Reply to: 2763204

can't I just tell my mom about it and then we good

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Msg ID: 2763208 No, not immediately! 60 days (NT) +0/-1     
Author:FAR 61.15(e)
1/26/2023 1:56:01 PM

Reply to: 2763204

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Msg ID: 2763222 No, not immediately! 60 days +4/-1     
1/26/2023 3:12:44 PM

Reply to: 2763208

Hugo Colorado... 


understandably one would have to be drunk to work in that place. 

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Msg ID: 2763255 No, not immediately! 60 days (NT) +0/-1     
Author:after conviction
1/26/2023 6:07:07 PM

Reply to: 2763208

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Msg ID: 2763241 Which one of you dopes got arrested? +0/-2     
1/26/2023 4:21:59 PM

Reply to: 2763165

 Meanwhile meds are high all the time. Killing people, passed out in the crew house, can hardly get in the helicopter to 'save' you

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Msg ID: 2763245 Which one of you dopes got arrested? +2/-1     
1/26/2023 5:08:52 PM

Reply to: 2763165

I know another pilot who did the samething. Spent  the weekend in the drunktank, dressed in their flight suit. couldn't see the judge until Monday. Battling PTSD and depression after a couple tours. Hopefully they got the help they needed.


Unfortunately they aren't the first and won't be the last.

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Msg ID: 2763291 Very Unfortunate. Hope he gets the help he needs. (NT) +1/-1     
1/27/2023 7:50:04 AM

Reply to: 2763165

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Msg ID: 2763368 Don’t think it really matters . +1/-1     
1/27/2023 9:46:36 PM

Reply to: 2763291

Whether he was on duty or not. He was arrested for DUI. And terminated by AMC. And he will have to report it on his next medical, whether convicted or not. And will have to complete a alcohol rehabilitation program to get his medical back. Can be done, has been done To get back flying. It with be a tough road. Good luck Aaron.

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Msg ID: 2763407 Don’t think it really matters . +0/-2     
Author:Will be tough but yes
1/28/2023 9:48:31 AM

Reply to: 2763368

not impossible. The Delta pilot that was drunk and tried to sneak a handle of vodka onto the plane in 2019 has his first class medical back with no restrictions.

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