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Msg ID: 2763093 Eating m&m’s +7/-6     
Author:Written up
1/25/2023 1:19:06 PM

While I'm cruise, clear blue 22, bell 429, autopilot engaged on a 48 mile shot, I decided to eat a few candies, that night. Got a nice call from headshed saying I was dangerous and was issued a warning. Looks like the good ol med SCREW strikes again. This job is a joke.

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Msg ID: 2763098 Eating m&m’s +2/-2     
1/25/2023 2:43:28 PM

Reply to: 2763093
That's what you wait until you are patient loaded to have your candy. At least if you have an NVG curtain

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Msg ID: 2763100 Eating m&m’s +0/-1     
Author:Is this real?
1/25/2023 2:53:04 PM

Reply to: 2763093

med crew? Camera? 

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Msg ID: 2763102 Eating m&m’s +1/-2     
Author:You should
1/25/2023 3:08:21 PM

Reply to: 2763093

File a grievance with the Union 

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Msg ID: 2763104 Eating m&m’s (NT) +1/-1     
Author:Right, what did you really do?
1/25/2023 3:26:09 PM

Reply to: 2763093

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Msg ID: 2763108 Eating m&m’s +6/-2     
1/25/2023 3:41:26 PM

Reply to: 2763093

If you had shared your candy no report would have been filed

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Msg ID: 2763119 Eating m&m’s +0/-2     
Author:Head shed
1/25/2023 5:00:13 PM

Reply to: 2763108

stupid term as bad as  Bro.

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Msg ID: 2763120 Eating m&m’s +1/-1     
Author:Utility time
1/25/2023 5:04:20 PM

Reply to: 2763093

 Issue the headshed a warning. If you get bothered again by such nonsense you will walk the moment you press 'call end'. Operators need pilots more than you need them. There's always another job elsewhere.

 In the mean time put a family size bag of candy in each seat and announce that the fat azz fertilizer is on you today.

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Msg ID: 2763123 Eating m&m’s +0/-1     
1/25/2023 5:43:09 PM

Reply to: 2763120

yeah, warn them. that always works

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Msg ID: 2763128 Eating m&m’s +0/-1     
1/25/2023 5:54:46 PM

Reply to: 2763123

Same situation but if you had a drink from a bottle of water to stay hydrated would that have been deemed dangerous too?

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Msg ID: 2763146 Eating m&m’s +1/-1     
1/25/2023 9:39:03 PM

Reply to: 2763093
Umm... Why? Can you seriously not eat while in flight or something? When I flew HEMS, the hard deck for eating, bullshtt!ng, telling d!ck jokes, or whatever was once you were at whatever you considered your cruise altitude. Sounds like your medcrew got a target on you, dude. Document EVERYTHING.

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Msg ID: 2763156 More to the story +3/-1     
1/25/2023 10:28:21 PM

Reply to: 2763093

Sounds to me like people don't like you and there is a lot more to this story.

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Msg ID: 2763167 or...wait for it....this never happened. (NT) +0/-2     
Author:just sayin'
1/26/2023 1:22:09 AM

Reply to: 2763156

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Msg ID: 2763287 or...wait for it....this never happened. +2/-0     
Author:Been there, seen it all
1/27/2023 7:26:11 AM

Reply to: 2763167

Either you got someone trying to look good and gain favor by making others look bad, or they can't find anything else to justify running you off. It used to be: "we don't feel safe", or "he's not a team player". Seen medics run off some 20 pilots in a 9 year span that way. It's a messed up segment of rotorwing. One solution is to get the medical staff out of the cockpit. I don't know what else to say other than get out of the hems joke. Let the azzzzholes walk for all most of us care...really.

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Msg ID: 2763739 yup! (NT) +0/-0     
1/31/2023 9:21:18 PM

Reply to: 2763287

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