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Msg ID: 2762941 Co worker  +0/-3     
Author:Mike tha dye-k
1/24/2023 6:18:13 PM

My co worker, a fellow pilot, is training MMA. He is always roughed up and comes in with marks on him. The Med crew is getting worried. They think it'll affect his judgement. As a fellow pilot, what can I say to help him? 

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Msg ID: 2762942 Co worker  +2/-1     
1/24/2023 6:35:54 PM

Reply to: 2762941

Tell him to wear a cup. 

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Msg ID: 2762947 Co worker  +8/-1     
1/24/2023 7:39:17 PM

Reply to: 2762942

your own business.  Go to work, fly safely, and go home.  Don't get involved with base drama.  It will bite you in the ass.

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Msg ID: 2762949 Co worker  +5/-1     
1/24/2023 7:44:18 PM

Reply to: 2762947

Mind, you do realize the OP is trolling?

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Msg ID: 2763059 Co worker  +0/-1     
1/25/2023 9:18:53 AM

Reply to: 2762949

Haha. You are good. 

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Msg ID: 2762977 Co worker  +0/-1     
Author:Be his sparring partner
1/25/2023 12:28:11 AM

Reply to: 2762942


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Msg ID: 2762970 marry him. it's obvious you love him. (NT) +1/-1     
1/24/2023 9:51:35 PM

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Msg ID: 2763090 Co worker  +1/-1     
1/25/2023 12:52:38 PM

Reply to: 2762941

Keep your left up.  Get a couple of body shots in.  Jab, jab, uppercut.

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Msg ID: 2763800 Co worker  +0/-0     
2/1/2023 10:04:32 PM

Reply to: 2763090

Damn- That is terrible. Just watch out for the rear naked choke hold....for real, for real.

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