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Msg ID: 2762710 Friend asked me to be safety pilot so he can shoot approaches in his C182 +0/-0     
Author:Can I if I having flown a FW in 25 yrs?
1/22/2023 7:04:50 PM

My medical is expired about 2 years now and I can't renew it, even as a Class III, because of a "problem" I've had.   

Am I legal to say OK?

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Msg ID: 2762713 Friend asked me to be safety pilot so he can shoot approaches in his C182 +5/-0     
Author:I’d say no
1/22/2023 7:14:59 PM

Reply to: 2762710

"A requirement not mentioned in §91.109(c) is medical certification. For that, we look at the medical requirements in §61.23. As the Chief Counsel said more than 40 years ago in the 1977 Josselyn Letter, “a pilot who acts as a safety pilot during simulated instrument flight … is a required pilot flight crewmember… [T]he [safety] pilot would have to have an appropriate current medical certificate.” In 2020, the “appropriate medical certificate for exercising private pilot privileges is “at least a thirdclass medical certificate…except when operating under §61.113(i)” (BasicMed).

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Msg ID: 2762716 hmmm. do I need a medical to be a CFI giving a instrument competency check (NT) +0/-0     
Author:if I'm not acting PIC?
1/22/2023 7:29:32 PM

Reply to: 2762713

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Msg ID: 2762723 hmmm. do I need a medical to be a CFI giving a instrument competency check +0/-0     
Author:I don't know but
1/22/2023 8:17:44 PM

Reply to: 2762716

that's not the question bro

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Msg ID: 2762742 oops, replied to wrong post, see immediately below (NT) +0/-0     
1/22/2023 11:25:21 PM

Reply to: 2762723

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Msg ID: 2762741 Well, it sort of is... Other pilot (PIC) is under hood, and there is a CFI (NT) +0/-0     
Author:without current medical. Legal?
1/22/2023 11:24:05 PM

Reply to: 2762716

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Msg ID: 2762724 Friend asked me to be safety pilot so he can shoot approaches in his C182 +1/-0     
1/22/2023 8:29:16 PM

Reply to: 2762710


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Msg ID: 2762732 FAR 61 (c) 3 ?? +0/-0     
Author:Walter Reilly
1/22/2023 10:30:31 PM

Reply to: 2762724

From the article:


"FAR 61 c (3) states that all required crewmembers need a current medical certificate."


Can anyone find that reference?   

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Msg ID: 2762740 FAR 61 (c) 3 ?? +0/-0     
1/22/2023 11:21:44 PM

Reply to: 2762732

61.3 (c) Medical certificate.

(1) A person may serve as a required pilot flight  crewmember> of an  aircraft only if that person holds the appropriate  medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter, or other documentation acceptable to the  FAA, that is in that  person's physical possession or readily accessible in the  aircraft. Paragraph (c)(2) of this section provides certain exceptions> to the requirement to hold a  medical certificate.

§ 61.23 (b) Medical certificates: Requirement and duration.

Must hold at least a third-class medical certificate - 

(i) When exercising the privileges of a private pilot certificate, recreational pilot certificate, or student pilot certificate, except when operating under the conditions and limitations set forth in § 61.113(i);


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Msg ID: 2762725 Friend asked me to be safety pilot so he can shoot approaches in his C182 +0/-0     
1/22/2023 8:37:11 PM

Reply to: 2762710

no problem


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Msg ID: 2762752 Friend asked me to be safety pilot so he can shoot approaches in his C182 +0/-0     
1/23/2023 12:21:54 AM

Reply to: 2762710
Not sure dude. In that capacity, you ARE a required crewmember. I would think since that is the case, you are required to have a current medical.

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Msg ID: 2762774 Friend asked me to be safety pilot so he can shoot approaches in his C182 +2/-1     
Author:No but
1/23/2023 10:28:43 AM

Reply to: 2762710

I would call HR

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Msg ID: 2762796 Friend asked me to be safety pilot so he can shoot approaches in his C182 +0/-0     
Author:Also 61.57
1/23/2023 1:56:06 PM

Reply to: 2762710

In addition to the issue of your medical certificate, you do not have the recent flight experience required by 61.57 to act as PIC while your friend shoots approaches.

If you lost your medical due to a problem, I am guessing you also do not qualify for BasicMed.


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Msg ID: 2762893 Friend asked me to be safety pilot so he can shoot approaches in his C182 +0/-0     
Author:Medical lost or expired?
1/24/2023 8:50:54 AM

Reply to: 2762796

Basic med permits you to act as PIC if your last medical just expired and was issued after the listed date (July 14, 2006).  If you failed a medical then no.  However, if yours simply expired, then it is a course on the internet and a visit to the doctor for a sign off saying you wont die or kill anyone else.  And yes you have to have a medical to be a CFI for primary flight instruction or to act as a safety pilot.  Quit trying to obfuscate.

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Msg ID: 2762894 why would I need to act as the PIC if my friend is? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:He's current, just under the hood!
1/24/2023 8:54:08 AM

Reply to: 2762796

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