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Msg ID: 2758429 Summer temps +2/-5     
Author:And our health
1/8/2023 12:15:16 AM

Has anyone else found a sports drink like Brawndo helps more than water? I like to stay sharp in flight. 

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Msg ID: 2758430 Summer temps +1/-1     
Author:help in what way
1/8/2023 1:06:35 AM

Reply to: 2758429

can't improve on water bro

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Msg ID: 2758431 Summer temps +1/-2     
1/8/2023 1:09:16 AM

Reply to: 2758430

It's got electrolytes, duh lol. 

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Msg ID: 2758433 Summer temps +0/-2     
Author:what does an
1/8/2023 1:33:37 AM

Reply to: 2758431

electrolyte do for you

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Msg ID: 2758452 Summer temps +1/-1     
Author:Why are you talking all fa-ggy?
1/8/2023 10:57:44 AM

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Msg ID: 2758521 GO AWAY (NT) +2/-1     
Author:I'm BAITIN
1/9/2023 8:22:59 AM

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Msg ID: 2758437 Summer temps (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Like from the toilet?
1/8/2023 8:14:19 AM

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Msg ID: 2758432 Summer temps +2/-1     
1/8/2023 1:29:26 AM

Reply to: 2758429
I see what you did there. Lol.

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Msg ID: 2758434 Summer temps +11/-1     
1/8/2023 4:37:47 AM

Reply to: 2758432

gin and tonic works for me.  After a few the medical crews start Looking good .

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Msg ID: 2758447 Summer temps +4/-2     
1/8/2023 10:44:21 AM

Reply to: 2758434

I'll drink to that!

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Msg ID: 2758458 Summer temps +0/-2     
1/8/2023 11:49:02 AM

Reply to: 2758447

Both are clear liquids. What more to say

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Msg ID: 2758474 Summer temps +2/-1     
1/8/2023 4:55:21 PM

Reply to: 2758458

Have you tried growing crops with it?

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Msg ID: 2758494 Summer temps +1/-1     
1/8/2023 8:35:38 PM

Reply to: 2758474

I actually use BRAWNDO on my house plants. Perfect hydrator

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Msg ID: 2758482 Summer temps +1/-1     
Author:Colorado Kool-aid
1/8/2023 6:48:20 PM

Reply to: 2758429
Probably best we all guzzle Coors Light. It’s practically water anyway.

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