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Msg ID: 2757998 Covid 19 Infection +1/-1     
Author:Return to work?
1/1/2023 12:27:39 PM

When have people returned to work after contracting Covid-19. I know about the suggestion to return 5 days after symptoms started. How realistic is that?

Msg ID: 2758002 Covid 19 Infection +1/-2     
Author:COVID Magnite
1/1/2023 1:39:32 PM

Reply to: 2757998

The first time I got it, it was 14 days (PTO or no pay).  The second time I got it, it was 10 days (PTO or no pay). The third time I got it, it was only 5 days (PTO or no pay). Oh, and this was after two shots and a booster...go figure, but thank God I'm a naturally heathly person!

Msg ID: 2758006 Covid 19 Infection +1/-1     
1/1/2023 3:22:24 PM

Reply to: 2758002

employer isn't naturally healthy!

Msg ID: 2758026 Covid 19 Infection +1/-3     
Author:Ocean front property salesman
1/1/2023 8:00:02 PM

Reply to: 2758002

Got the 'Rona 3 times, you got duped.  Yea, yea, it was less severe because you got the moneymaker shot, then the next one, and then the third.  No, the vacks simply doesn't work.  People got paid, people lied, people died.  How many timeshares do you own?

Msg ID: 2758004 Covid 19 Infection +11/-5     
Author:Don’t test, don’t tell
1/1/2023 2:21:18 PM

Reply to: 2757998

Would you call out sick for allergies or a common cold?

If you're unfit to fly... stay home. If your symptoms are mild, then work.

Regardless of your stance on the Covid 'vaccine' and boosters, the reality is that it has evolved into less harmful variants and the majority of the population is resistant to it. Medical treatments such as anti-virals and monoclonal antibodies are readily available to treat the immune compromised. The majority of the population is fine with simply sticking to a balanced diet, light exercise and some sun exposure and will fully recover in a day or two.

It's time to end the fear mongering. Don't feed into the political / corporate BS and live life as normal.

Msg ID: 2758009 Covid 19 Infection +1/-1     
1/1/2023 4:43:02 PM

Reply to: 2758004

a little logical, for a commoner.

Msg ID: 2758011 Covid 19 Infection +0/-2     
1/1/2023 5:01:59 PM

Reply to: 2758009

Are you a pilot or a mechanic.  Different rules apply at my outfit.

Msg ID: 2758017 Fear Mongering +7/-2     
1/1/2023 6:01:25 PM

Reply to: 2758004

Long covid is still real ... Now to your point, how prevelant is long covid with the milder variants and subtypes? Hard to say - I still know a few people suffering from long covid. This is not just a common cold and should be treated as such imho

Msg ID: 2758019 Fear Mongering +3/-2     
1/1/2023 6:50:40 PM

Reply to: 2758017

Wow...long Covid....if you lifted weights and ran'd have no-vid. You even lift, bro?

gene therapy was always for the fat, lazy people. Now, with ADE, they get "long Covid." 

Poor diet, sedentary lifestyle = high risk for poor outcome (flu, vid, cancer, heart disease, wokeness, HIV, monkeypox, shangri-la, vibrator dependency, intestinal parasites, baldness, attitude, poor driving, pedophelia, scurvy, myocarditis, tinnitus, IBS, Crohn's disease, LouGehrigs disease, football injury, stubbed toe, no sense of humor, ugly sister, ugly mother, group W bench, draft dodgery, cat lover, veganism, PETA association, autoimmune disease, any disease, knowing people with disease, bad breath, etc)

Msg ID: 2758018 I hope I don't know you... (NT) +2/-1     
Author:just sayin'
1/1/2023 6:19:45 PM

Reply to: 2758004

Msg ID: 2758115 Covid 19 Infection +3/-1     
Author:Don't be a p rick
1/2/2023 11:13:53 PM

Reply to: 2758004

I got infected by our mechanic who was positive but said he had "allergies" and both of my in-laws died from COVID. If any of my co-workers show up with allergies or any symptoms my manager will be called and they are going home. Period.  

Msg ID: 2758114 Covid 19 Infection +1/-1     
Author:What state do you live in?
1/2/2023 11:08:39 PM

Reply to: 2757998

In California, up until 12/31/2022, you are not required to use sick time and are allowed up to 80 hours pay if you test positive for COVID-19. Your employer was required to pay under California's 2022 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave.

Currently, if you are a first responder and tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of being on-duty, there is a rebuttable presumption under AB 1751 that you were infected at work and can receive Worker's Comp benefits (comparable to 60% of pay without deductions for taxes, etc.) during your leave, for as long as you are symptomatic. Some pilots I know have had symptoms, such as asthma, for a few months after testing positive and received WC benefits until they returned to work. The rebuttable presumption was extended until 01/01/2024.

