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Msg ID: 2757642 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +1/-2     
12/26/2022 11:19:05 PM

Anyone that is still lurking in these forums that once did HEMS and now flys commercial, how was the transition for a personal standpoint? Been considering but also im a decent helicopter pilot with many years of experience not sure I would ever feel as comfortable in something with wings. 

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Msg ID: 2757644 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +16/-0     
12/26/2022 11:46:48 PM

Reply to: 2757642
I did. Do you have specific concerns or questions? For me, the biggest challenge was learning to manage an FMS properly and just the simple fact that things happen much faster in a jet. But it's not like it's impossible, just a bit of a learning curve. Also, I work quite a bit harder (part 135 jet charter service) than I did in HAA. But the pay and bennies are much better, the training is better, and there's just more of a future (personal opinion). Hope to move on to a legacy airline at some point, but if I stayed where I am the rest of my career, it wouldn't be the end of the world. Remember, as a dual-rated ATP, if you decide fixed-wing isn't for you, you can ALWAYS go back to flying HEMS. Just my opinion.

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Msg ID: 2757646 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +3/-5     
Author:Wasn’t for me
12/27/2022 1:58:09 AM

Reply to: 2757642
I took a FO training position with a promise of left seat on a CRJ 700 for a feed airline within 6 months. Well, a year in and in spite of good recommendations and dozens of phase check rides I was NOT given a captain job.
Low schedule bid left me with 5:00am flights in PHX although I live in Denver so I’d leave the day before and flop house it. 7 days later I’d be home for 3. Basically the same money

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Msg ID: 2757653 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +3/-4     
12/27/2022 9:47:18 AM

Reply to: 2757646

Don't recommend full FW transition until economy settles. Ecoconomy affects FW jobs greatly, EMS is stable. Been in this for a long time and seen it several times now. 

Do get the ratings and prepare for the transition, but be wary that the economy could (or not) crash causing layoffs (again).

Tough decision for sure. Better pay in the long run but more travel in the short run. Live out of suitcase but no 3am calls

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Msg ID: 2757659 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +3/-0     
12/27/2022 10:43:07 AM

Reply to: 2757653
You make a really good point as well. But just as you say...HEMS is pretty stable (for now). It weathered the COVID 19 pandemic very well. That said, again... if the economy goes to crap or FW isn't what you thought it would be, you can always come back to HEMS. I encourage people, if they think they might possibly want to do airlines (or other fixed wing stuff) in the future, the best day to make the jump is yesterday. Seniority is a thing, and while everyone is hiring like gangbusters right now, at some point, the music is going to stop at some point. Could be 5 years or 5 weeks from now.

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Msg ID: 2757661 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +0/-2     
12/27/2022 11:10:13 AM

Reply to: 2757653

The above poster is correct.Go ahead and get your ratings.Be ready(comfortable) for IMC flying and possibly single piot IFR if the job requires it.Turbo prop flying will pick the speed up but when you get into jets things are happening fast and that is the probably the most demanding transition for a helicopter guy.Just my 2 cents worth,YMMV.I did a little FW ems but went to the airlines as soon as I could.

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Msg ID: 2757662 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +2/-2     
12/27/2022 11:25:37 AM

Reply to: 2757661

How was the transition to being away from home so much?  My biggest problem is spending 15-20 days a month living in crummy hotels

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Msg ID: 2757669 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +0/-1     
12/27/2022 12:40:03 PM

Reply to: 2757662
Depends on the carrier you fly for and the schedule you bid. Not all schedules have you gone quite that much. While I DO spend more time away from home (no disputing that), my quality of life while AT home is significantly higher. When I'm home, I'm home spending quality time with the fam, not spending a day and a half of my off-time trying to recover and reboot from a week of 2:30AM flights. On the opposite side, I DO miss the flexibility. In HEMS, I worked at a base where we and our area pilots worked really well together when it came to supporting each other's desires for days off. PTO and vacation in the fixed-wing world is a bit more rigid, at least at first.

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Msg ID: 2757692 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +3/-1     
12/27/2022 5:50:56 PM

Reply to: 2757662

Retired now but recommend the dual RW/FW ATP.  The flexibility you get is worth the effort.l

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Msg ID: 2757657 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +1/-1     
Author:What’s a phase check ride
12/27/2022 10:21:44 AM

Reply to: 2757646
and why did you have to take dozens of them

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Msg ID: 2757671 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +0/-1     
12/27/2022 1:05:46 PM

Reply to: 2757657
The only phase checks I've ever heard of are associated with Part 141 schools that cater to those trying to go from zero to airline pilot. ATP (the flight school, not the rating) comes to mind.

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Msg ID: 2757687 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +1/-2     
Author:seriously dude
12/27/2022 4:36:16 PM

Reply to: 2757646

 they told him captain in 6 months he says. sure bro

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Msg ID: 2757683 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +3/-4     
Author:EMS to FW and back to EMS
12/27/2022 4:15:46 PM

Reply to: 2757642

Decided to switch from EMS (back when no NVGs provided for mountainous terrain at night) to FW. Fractional and for an airline.

Fractional was week on week off not including commute and pilots carried out a lot of duties like stocking aircraft with alcohol, cleaning the lav, loading bags onto a/c, etc. Pressure was immense. Had multiple in-flight emergencies including engine failure on take-off.

Airline schedule sucked with low seniority and was hard on my family plus didn't pay that well. My spouse picked up the lion's share of work at home and I didn't see my young children as much as I'd like.

EMS today has safety protocols that ensure rest and safety (NVGs, etc.) and I enjoy the week on week off schedule.   

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Msg ID: 2757689 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +0/-8     
Author:so who believes this not me
12/27/2022 4:38:25 PM

Reply to: 2757683

"pilots carried out a lot of duties like stocking aircraft with alcohol, cleaning the lav, loading bags onto a/c, etc. Pressure was immense. Had multiple in-flight emergencies including engine failure on take-off."

lol "multiple" in flight emergencies

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Msg ID: 2757690 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +3/-1     
Author:I believe
12/27/2022 4:46:38 PM

Reply to: 2757689

I completely believe the Stocking the aircraft, cleaning and loading bags. Any "pilot" or ramprat that spends any time at an airport can watch those guys work their tails off sometimes for those ungrateful rich F $#^s


Multiple emergencies? I don't believe so much. When did you last work 1928?

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Msg ID: 2757702 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +0/-2     
Author:I see those guys sacked out
12/27/2022 11:23:01 PM

Reply to: 2757690

in the FBO most of the time. I sure as hell have never seen them doing any stocking or cleaning. You people are idiots.

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Msg ID: 2757703 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +1/-2     
12/27/2022 11:54:23 PM

Reply to: 2757702
Ummmm...yeah... We DO re-stock and clean the aircraft. lol. It's generally not that bad thought. While you occasionally get the jerks that make a mess of the interior of the jet, the vast majority of clients aren't bad, man.

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Msg ID: 2757704 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +0/-1     
Author:How much
12/28/2022 12:16:30 AM

Reply to: 2757703

Are you guys making per day for this fractional jet gig after a few years?

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Msg ID: 2757705 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +2/-1     
Author:ATPH/ CMEL with type ratings
12/28/2022 7:03:18 AM

Reply to: 2757704

I fly FW contract work during my off hitch and make good money doing it. The clients are hit and miss though.  Some are super friendsly and helpful and others literally treat you like you are the hired help that you are.


I've loaded bags, cleaned lavs and waited around more times than I can count. I have also been treated like a sky God.  I could make a little more working OT at my HEMS job but the diversity is nice. 

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Msg ID: 2757768 Multiple in-flight emergencies +1/-1     
Author:Google Avantair
12/28/2022 11:04:42 PM

Reply to: 2757689

The multiple in-flight emergencies are absolutely true.

The fractional airline was Avantair which was eventually shut down by the FAA when they uncovered a hangar filled with Piaggio aircraft that were in various forms of disassembly because parts were being cannibalized to keep other aircraft running. Mechanics covered it all up to keep aircraft in the air.

In the end, I think only five aircraft were functional and none of the fractional owners knew what was going on but they weren't getting the flights they paid for. I personally experienced two engine failures including one on take-off. An elevator fell off the tail during take-off from Camarillo, CA, the pilot landed in San Diego without noticing, flew to Palm Springs where the First Officer noticed the missing elevator which was later located on the runway in Camarillo. That was the beginning of a domino effect that eventually led to FAA inspectors discovering the hangar of aircraft carcasses.

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Msg ID: 2757751 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +1/-1     
Author:Made the swap
12/28/2022 6:29:08 PM

Reply to: 2757642

Have to work harder and spend a lot more time away from home, but the pay is better with future pay looking a lot brighter.  It is different, but still just flying.  Just a bit of transition between being experienced and being new

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Msg ID: 2757828 Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +1/-2     
Author:I tried it
12/30/2022 10:12:23 AM

Reply to: 2757642

it was not too bad but the schedule was the worst part for me and my family... I used to live close to my ems base so I was home every day at some point. When flying for the airlines I would be gone for up to 2 weeks at a time ( cargo ) and 4-6 days at a time ( passangers ).  I decided to leave in 2020 for other ventures and I havent looked back at all... I do still miss helo flying tho... 

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