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Msg ID: 2756989 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +11/-10     
12/24/2022 2:51:54 AM

Was speaking to an AME and he was saying there is circulating discussions that the FAA may be considering adding additional cardiac work ups for all airmen who have received Covid vaccines. such as EKGs / Echocardiograms for all classes at all ages, and possibly showing lab results from basic blood panels and D-Dimer results. Will be interesting to see if this is actually true and goes forward. May be a huge problem, or may be total BS.

Msg ID: 2756991 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +6/-3     
12/24/2022 6:42:32 AM

Reply to: 2756989

They probably should do much more extensive cardiac workups due to the significant number of obese pilots.  If they did it due to something related to weight/size then the lawsuits start.  Just call it covid related and git er done.

Msg ID: 2756993 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +4/-9     
Author:of all the things that didn’t happen
12/24/2022 6:58:41 AM

Reply to: 2756989

this didn't happen the most

Msg ID: 2756997 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +6/-6     
Author:Several pilots reporting arrhythmias
12/24/2022 7:16:20 AM

Reply to: 2756989
Spoken with several pilots with recent onset of arrhythmia, ie vtac, svtac, PVCs, etc. Normally healthy types, no previous cardiac history, now having issues. My AME said he's had several senior pilots, part 121, just go ahead and retire early rather than fight with okc over the backlog of getting a special. It's definitely a head scratcher.

Msg ID: 2757001 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +4/-3     
Author:rule number one of liars
12/24/2022 7:33:26 AM

Reply to: 2756997

be oddly specific thinking it makes your bs claims sound more credible. 

Msg ID: 2757002 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +6/-3     
Author:rule number two
12/24/2022 7:37:19 AM

Reply to: 2757001

pretend you heard a rumor about something you want to be true, but isn't 

Msg ID: 2757003 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +3/-1     
Author:I have heart problems but
12/24/2022 7:49:22 AM

Reply to: 2757002

I know exactly the states I left my guns 

Msg ID: 2757036 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +2/-2     
Author:Not really
12/24/2022 1:24:50 PM

Reply to: 2756997

I know many as well who months after their shot have developed PVCs / Other arrhythmia out of the blue. 2 of our medics developed myocarditis after their 2nd shot and had to leave, and our base lead, developed extreme bradycardia and POTS after his first shot and could not hold medical any longer.

Msg ID: 2757039 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +0/-2     
Author:Not really
12/24/2022 1:27:01 PM

Reply to: 2756997

I know many as well who months after their shot have developed PVCs / Other arrhythmia out of the blue. 2 of our medics developed myocarditis after their 2nd shot and had to leave, and our base lead, developed extreme bradycardia and POTS after his first shot and could not hold medical any longer.

Msg ID: 2757007 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +9/-5     
Author:Government would never
12/24/2022 8:42:51 AM

Reply to: 2756989

Government would never do anything that may inconvenience us...LOL.

After everything we have seen by Governments around the world , many of which did a lot worse to their citizens. Don t think that ours won't start creating issues with a problem they started..

The only reason the FAA hasn't done it already is that they can't say anything negative about the vaccine.. 

Give it a little time and you will see a drip drip of a turn .. it's already started.

Msg ID: 2757008 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +9/-2     
Author:Show me
12/24/2022 9:21:26 AM

Reply to: 2757007

Somebody that trusts government, I'll show you Adam Shiff for brains, I mean a fool.

Msg ID: 2757021 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +5/-5     
Author:everybody knows
12/24/2022 10:44:41 AM

Reply to: 2757008

trading card trump is the only one you can trust

Msg ID: 2757030 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +2/-1     
12/24/2022 12:52:40 PM

Reply to: 2757021

If you have a cardiac workup, make them do a pulmonary workup also.  I was told I was having a heart attack, my heart was fine.  My lungs were full of blood clots.  They symptoms were misread because of the similarities.  

Msg ID: 2757606 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +0/-1     
12/26/2022 3:42:36 PM

Reply to: 2757021

beyond belief

Msg ID: 2757043 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +3/-2     
Author:VP K. Harris
12/24/2022 2:35:52 PM

Reply to: 2757008

"The border is closed and secured"

Msg ID: 2757035 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +1/-1     
12/24/2022 1:20:07 PM

Reply to: 2756989

Individuals holding an Airman Medical Certificate should be reminded that they are prohibited from performing flight crewmember duties or air traffic control duties if they do not meet medical certification requirements, including those related to adverse events from medications that render them unable to perform such duties. The Administration will monitor the reports of adverse events to the two approved (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) vaccines and may adjust this policy as necessary to ensure aviation safety. Additional adverse reports will require a more in depth investigation into the ongoing safety concerns with the vaccines, and guidance may change at a further date to ensure the safety of our Airman.



the FAA won't care if their initial "ok" of the shots was wrong. They will just issue new medical rules and go about their day not caring whos life it may ruin Due to the public following their initial approval of them. 

think about it. What will all the ones who got the vaccine do if they suddenly do implement new medical rules and or it turns out these shots actually do cause cardiac issues? i think just the ekg and other simples tests would catch alot of unknown issues that the 2nd class holders would be in for a big problem. 

Msg ID: 2757037 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +2/-0     
12/24/2022 1:24:56 PM

Reply to: 2757035

look at all those things that might happen

Msg ID: 2757044 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +0/-0     
12/24/2022 4:16:50 PM

Reply to: 2757037

Never happen

Msg ID: 2757045 Do more EKG due to FAT pilots  +6/-1     
Author:that eat and are obese
12/24/2022 4:29:32 PM

Reply to: 2757044

next time you fly out on a airline....check out the pilots and their condition....Jesus...walking heart attacks waiting to more extensive on those

Msg ID: 2757608 Do more EKG due to FAT pilots  +0/-0     
Author:ever hear of a first class medical
12/26/2022 4:01:36 PM

Reply to: 2757045

those pilots all have them and 90% have to have an EKG bro

Msg ID: 2757870 Do more EKG due to FAT pilots  +0/-0     
Author:Don't forget
12/30/2022 3:15:11 PM

Reply to: 2757608

An EKG is only a snapshot for those brief moments.  The EKG doesn't give any information regarding how plugged (or not) the arteries are.  

Msg ID: 2757046 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +2/-1     
Author:What’s weird
12/24/2022 4:37:47 PM

Reply to: 2757044

Since the pilot population is such a minute percentage, you'd think people would be dropping like flies if this were the case. I don't know a single person that's had side effects but supposedly all these pilots are sick with heart problems huh

Msg ID: 2757047 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +2/-2     
12/24/2022 4:38:31 PM

Reply to: 2757046

Why does Pfizer have a 55 year lock down on the side effects of the jab?🤥

Msg ID: 2757082 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +1/-1     
12/25/2022 6:21:14 AM

Reply to: 2757047

The vaccine manufacturers get the same protections as all the other vaccine manufacturers have since vaccines began, nothing new here.  The medicine manufacturers get the same thing.

Msg ID: 2757048 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +1/-3     
Author:Check you CBC
12/24/2022 5:06:30 PM

Reply to: 2756989

Check your CBC's.  Shorly after my first COVID shot my platelets started climbing.  FYI, you have a greater chance of throwing a clot with high platelets unless you get it treated.  

Msg ID: 2757053 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +0/-1     
12/24/2022 6:51:39 PM

Reply to: 2756989


Msg ID: 2757055 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +2/-2     
12/24/2022 7:17:35 PM

Reply to: 2756989

Hold the SJW employer's accountable for requiring vaccines.

Msg ID: 2757056 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +7/-3     
12/24/2022 7:29:50 PM

Reply to: 2757055

You can't hold anyone accountable, you signed away your rights the second that needle touched your arm. pfizer, moderna, j&j they're all immune from any adverse vaccine reactions. You're on your own.

Msg ID: 2757062 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +1/-1     
12/24/2022 11:12:34 PM

Reply to: 2757056
It really puts me in the Christmas spirit seeing the usual buttf**ks and assw*pes having a circle jerk

Msg ID: 2757105 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +1/-2     
12/25/2022 12:17:40 PM

Reply to: 2757056

The Drug companies have immunity given by the government and when it was just a Emer use only vaccine and optional - that was cool.  Then employers gave a SJW ultimatum; lose your livelihood in your chosen profession if you don't... That represents forced experimental vaccine and the company should be held liable for damages of lost pilot license. 

Msg ID: 2757116 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +0/-1     
12/25/2022 3:32:48 PM

Reply to: 2757105

But it's not going to matter. Nothing will ever come of any of it. Lost job? On your own.

Msg ID: 2757811 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +1/-1     
12/30/2022 12:53:26 AM

Reply to: 2756989

Jab effect, if susceptible, probably no worse than a poor diet in the long run. The human body is resilient to a lot of damage. Every virus you ever had leaves a genetic fingerprint. In fact, a dna check could, if wanted to pay for it, reveal every viral exposure up to now. Are some people affected by vaccines, yes. This is true of any medical intervention. Most will be fine. The down side, new short term tests on new technology. Won't know what happens for many years what the effect on all cause mortality is, pos or neg. Attenuated live virus' show positive correlation, or good effects. Others, like flu, show no effect. Some show negative.

if got jab, chill, everything will be fine.

Msg ID: 2757815 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +0/-1     
12/30/2022 3:16:18 AM

Reply to: 2757811

For the people who got it and are not fine....

Msg ID: 2757902 Rumor FAA looking into Vaccine? +0/-2     
Author:Bubba not signed in
12/30/2022 6:44:06 PM

Reply to: 2756989

Watch this, it's kinda long but it is very worth watching to the end.   its about the Covid vaccine and cardiovascular issues.
