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Msg ID: 2749299 Supersonic helicopter +0/-5     
11/12/2022 8:48:49 AM

today's engineers. !!

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Msg ID: 2749306 Supersonic helicopter +6/-1     
11/12/2022 9:24:05 AM

Reply to: 2749299
That was painful. Couldn't finish it

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Msg ID: 2749316 Supersonic helicopter +0/-1     
11/12/2022 12:43:17 PM

Reply to: 2749306

Talk to any older woman married to an engineer and they'll tell ya; engineers are the most boring people ever.

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Msg ID: 2749385 Supersonic helicopter +1/-1     
11/13/2022 11:08:50 AM

Reply to: 2749316

I don't think Science or engineers will ever understand the "The Law of Diminishing Returns" !!!

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