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Msg ID: 2749286 Veterans Day +31/-4     
11/11/2022 9:31:58 PM

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Msg ID: 2749676 Veterans Day +1/-2     
Author:New IP Guy
11/16/2022 4:58:53 PM

Reply to: 2749286

Thanks for all who served. So Says the new IP Guy. Posting from a new IP every time to unban myself and reject censorship.

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Msg ID: 2749689 Veterans Day +1/-1     
Author:The G Mail Guy
11/16/2022 6:29:58 PM

Reply to: 2749676

You may a new tin foil hat there IP Guy.

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Msg ID: 2750916 Veterans Day +0/-0     
Author:New IP Guy
12/1/2022 9:57:51 PM

Reply to: 2749689

If you said what you typed, it would sound like you had a dildo in your mouth. Try again, and make sense this time.

If you need any help from the New IP Guy, just let me know. They would be foolish to ban the New IP Guy, because the New IP Guy will just post from a new IP the next day.

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Msg ID: 2750530 Veterans Day +0/-2     
11/26/2022 4:27:21 PM

Reply to: 2749286

get it.

Veterans are an exclusive society within America, one not penetrable by outsiders.  Is what it is.  You're either in, or out.  Very simple.  

Oh, skip the "thanks for your service" bull.  

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