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Msg ID: 2747029 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +5/-1     
Author:Middle aged dummy
10/15/2022 5:19:58 PM

 By now most of us know someone that has left for the airlines, is leaving for the airlines or are considering it ourselves. What age do you think is the cutoff for making it to a major and seeing a return on the investment of time, effort, energy in the form of better quality of life and better compensation? 

For reference, I'm 44. 5000 hr ATP flying a twin SPIFR with zero fixed wing time. 

Give it your best JH faithful. Flame suit on 😜

Msg ID: 2747030 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +0/-1     
10/15/2022 5:25:51 PM

Reply to: 2747029


Msg ID: 2747034 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +2/-1     
Author:I wouldn’t
10/15/2022 6:52:50 PM

Reply to: 2747029

wait too much longer

Msg ID: 2747052 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +2/-1     
10/15/2022 9:14:44 PM

Reply to: 2747029
Depends. I'm 44 myself and starting at a Part 135 charter, planning on using it as a springboard to a major... bypassing the regionals. Even with that extra step in career progression, the math still works. It's more than worth it. That said, if you're gonna do it, you need to hurry up and do it.

Msg ID: 2747060 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +3/-2     
Author:I got a friend who just turned 50
10/16/2022 1:41:58 AM

Reply to: 2747029

She was in a cummuter for a couple of years and just moved up into Delta at age 50.  Well worth it.

Msg ID: 2747097 59 making 125K base  +7/-1     
Author:Anyone below 50 should jump
10/16/2022 2:43:02 PM

Reply to: 2747029
I'm finally making what I should have been 20 years ago. My biggest regret is not going fixed wing in 2000.

Msg ID: 2747100 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +2/-1     
10/16/2022 3:46:13 PM

Reply to: 2747029

I appreciate the responses. Honestly it's a bit more informative and kind hearted than I was expecting. 🤣


A complicating factor is that I claimed just under $160k with minimal OT (10-15days) in 2021. We did receive decent compensation increases recently but still feel that we are right at the baseline for the industry, type aircraft, and cost of living. 

Flame away! 

Msg ID: 2747131 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +2/-1     
10/17/2022 7:58:15 AM

Reply to: 2747100
Like many others, I just assumed you were in that under 100k crowd. 160 isn't bad unless you work all the time. Not sure what the going rate is in the Corp world now, but I hear 200 is the new standard. Don't I feel stupid staying in ems.

Msg ID: 2747287 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +0/-1     
Author:Go for it
10/19/2022 5:54:45 AM

Reply to: 2747100

I have a dozen freiends that haven't looked back...adjustments, sure.

you will never make as much incomd in RW have 20 years.

Msg ID: 2747293 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +0/-1     
10/19/2022 8:09:24 AM

Reply to: 2747029

I'm also a civilian so no military transition options available. It's a long long long shot but I'm thinking about making an effort to contact the majors directly to see about the possibilities of jumping directly into the right seat with any of them. Or to see if they would be interested in a bespoke RTP.....just for me because everyone calls me special. 

Thanks for the replies 👍

Msg ID: 2747445 RTP - Return On Investment and Age +0/-1     
10/20/2022 9:22:44 PM

Reply to: 2747029

Have 2.5 decades of flying left - all in the family and numbers.  Good luck

Msg ID: 2747467 Any age prior to 50 , big ROI +0/-1     
Author:ROI .
10/21/2022 8:42:58 AM

Reply to: 2747029

I considered making the jump. Already dual rated ME Comm.  Ran the numbers and it still takes 4-5 years just to break even.  Myself At 53,Considering losing senority and PTO, Junior FO until upgrade then junior cap until forced to retire not good enough ROI considering the time away from family.
