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Msg ID: 2746890 Should this be the +9/-3     
Author:pay rate for HAA?
10/13/2022 4:37:26 PM
1       94,050.00    
2       98,282.25    
3       102,704.95    
4       107,326.67    
5       112,156.37    
6       117,203.41    
7       122,477.56    
8       127,989.06    
9       133,748.56    
10       139,767.25    
11       146,056.77    
12       152,629.33    
13       159,497.65    
14       166,675.04    
15       174,175.42    
16       182,013.31    
17       190,203.91    
18       198,763.09    
19       207,707.43    
20       217,054.26    
21       226,821.70    
22       237,028.68    
23       247,694.97    
24       258,841.25    
25       270,489.10    

Msg ID: 2746896 Are those dollars or pesos? (NT) +2/-1     
10/13/2022 4:55:52 PM

Reply to: 2746890

Msg ID: 2746898 Should this be the +1/-7     
Author:Needs to be 2% per step
10/13/2022 5:35:48 PM

Reply to: 2746890
Then 3% raise the first of the year. Your 4.5% step raise is way to high. HAA can't sustain that.

Msg ID: 2746900 Should this be the +2/-2     
10/13/2022 5:42:05 PM

Reply to: 2746898

Two, Too, To

They are quite difficult I know...

Msg ID: 2746903 Should this be the +0/-2     
10/13/2022 6:06:47 PM

Reply to: 2746900

That's the best you can come up with?

Msg ID: 2746911 Should this be the +3/-3     
10/13/2022 7:05:43 PM

Reply to: 2746898

So, professional pilots should not make professional wage?

HAA can't sustain that?

For years the industry has been held down by retired military from the 60's-90's keeping pay low.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Msg ID: 2746955 Should this be the +3/-3     
Author:John Joe
10/14/2022 11:48:37 AM

Reply to: 2746911

You hit the button on the head. The retired military with full pensions at a younger than usual retirement age have consistently taken whatever salary offered to fill up the slots at HEMS for the last 30 years.

And yes, I'm retired military with a full pension at a "young" age and went into HEMS over ten years ago and took the low pay primarily because of my pension.

Let's hear all the crap comments now. ------  

Msg ID: 2746956 Should this be the +7/-2     
Author:incomplete analysis, sir
10/14/2022 12:05:27 PM

Reply to: 2746955

what if you had $70K in flight school loan debt (your moms second mortgage?) and were struggling to make it on CFI wages? might you accept most any offer coming your way? hmm.

Msg ID: 2746986 Actually it’s the low time inexperienced pilots accepting low wages and  +6/-4     
Author:Killing pay now. FACT!
10/14/2022 10:19:55 PM

Reply to: 2746956

Over 70% of the industry are NOT military retired. Yes, years ago they were the problem. NOw that is not the case. Younger and less experienced pilots are accepting low wages to fly in an industry that 10 years ago would have taken them 15-20 years of real experience to even get hired into...NOW, they are the "targeted" HAA Pilot.

Msg ID: 2746996 Actually it’s the low time inexperienced pilots accepting low wages and  +0/-2     
10/15/2022 7:11:48 AM

Reply to: 2746986

that is not a fact and whenever you see fact in all caps, 99% of the time it is bullsh*t

Msg ID: 2746997 Actually it’s the low time inexperienced pilots accepting low wages and  +0/-1     
Author:say wut
10/15/2022 7:41:33 AM

Reply to: 2746986

dude says ten years ago you needed 15-20 years experience to get an EMS job. lol. ems pay has gone up more than any other segment of the business but good post

Msg ID: 2747000 Actually it’s the low time inexperienced pilots accepting low wages and  +2/-1     
Author:yes yes
10/15/2022 9:17:46 AM

Reply to: 2746997

low time and inexperienced pilots should be demanding and getting top dollar 

Msg ID: 2747003 Actually it’s the low time inexperienced pilots accepting low wages and (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Define Top Dollar
10/15/2022 9:53:14 AM

Reply to: 2747000

Msg ID: 2747005 Actually it’s the low time inexperienced pilots accepting low wages and  +1/-1     
Author:I remember when
10/15/2022 10:28:59 AM

Reply to: 2747003

I was a low time and inexperienced pilot. I named my price to all the operators that were dying to hire me and this worked out well for me. 

Msg ID: 2747012 Actually it’s the low time inexperienced pilots accepting low wages and  +0/-1     
Author:Is That Your Definition Of Top
10/15/2022 11:48:51 AM

Reply to: 2747005


Msg ID: 2747025 Actually it’s the low time inexperienced pilots accepting low wages and  +1/-2     
Author:it’s between
10/15/2022 4:33:43 PM

Reply to: 2747012

a princely sum and a crap ton of money bro

Msg ID: 2747309 Isn't that what you desire low time inexperienced pilots to do? Seriously! (NT) +0/-0     
10/19/2022 11:20:07 AM

Reply to: 2746986

Msg ID: 2746908 How many times have you flown a non critical  +10/-2     
Author:Patient & by the time you got to the
10/13/2022 6:37:43 PM

Reply to: 2746890

Clinic pickup point and then to the hospital destination for which a ground ambulance vehicle could have driven the patient to the receiving hospital and back to it's clinic well before your helicopter?

Scam operation treated as if it's a combat emergency 

Msg ID: 2746915 How many times have you flown a non critical  +2/-3     
10/13/2022 7:14:01 PM

Reply to: 2746908

So all the places around the world that run HAA are just scamming people.

Yah right, and I have some ocean front property in AZ for yah.

Msg ID: 2746922 How many times have you flown a non critical  +8/-1     
Author:Not All, But A Lot Of Scam Is Built
10/13/2022 7:57:01 PM

Reply to: 2746915

Into the various levels of HEMS/HAA. From the Requesting Agencies, to the first responders, to the HEMS/HAA companies to the discharging hospital, to the receiving hospitals, to the med crew. They do some justified transports, but everyone involved looks the other way when they are questionable or outright unjustified.

Msg ID: 2746960 How many times have you flown a non critical  +2/-0     
Author:Several times
10/14/2022 1:31:46 PM

Reply to: 2746908

But many think the med crews determine whether to fly of go by ground.  WRONG, when we receive a request, we go and don't question WHY.

Msg ID: 2746971 How many times have you flown a non critical  +1/-1     
Author:a big reason for many flights is
10/14/2022 4:50:36 PM

Reply to: 2746908

because ground transport is not available 

Msg ID: 2747218 How many times have you flown a non critical  +0/-1     
Author:my 2 dimes and one penny
10/18/2022 1:21:58 AM

Reply to: 2746908
Those flights while frustrating often keep the only ambulance in an area available for a critical transport. Taking the only ambulance out of play for multiple hours puts some communities in a not so great situation.

Msg ID: 2747237 How many times have you flown a non critical  +1/-0     
Author:Why is there only one ambulance?
10/18/2022 10:18:54 AM

Reply to: 2747218

The answer is "because they can get away with it."

Get away with transferring the cost of medically transporting their constituents to payers outside that community. Imagine the local budget savings of not maintaining and staffing a ground ambulance service for your community. And all you have to do is saddle your local taxpayers with a $40K helicopter bill when their condition was appropriate for a ground transport for only a few $K.

Msg ID: 2746920 You people are living in a dream world (NT) +1/-1     
Author:Wake up
10/13/2022 7:36:59 PM

Reply to: 2746890

Msg ID: 2746966 Should this be the +1/-1     
10/14/2022 3:15:32 PM

Reply to: 2746890

Spreadsheets got HAA into trouble in the first place

Msg ID: 2746995 Economics +2/-1     
Author:Random Guy
10/15/2022 5:54:41 AM

Reply to: 2746890

You determine your own worth when you accept a position, whether it be as an HAA pilot or otherwise. If you think that pay scale is an appropriate pay scale for your time, then you should not accept a position paying less.

Msg ID: 2747043 Should this be the +0/-1     
10/15/2022 7:46:41 PM

Reply to: 2746890


Msg ID: 2747448 Should this be the +0/-0     
Author:Why not?
10/20/2022 9:27:29 PM

Reply to: 2746890

Just as well off in your pocket as in others!
