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Msg ID: 2746889 Pay rate based on ability +0/-3     
Author:What say you??
10/13/2022 4:35:46 PM

Should a IFR pilot get paid more than VFR or be weight of aircraft?

Should a Long Line guy get paid more that belly tank?

Should ATP be paid at a larger rate and Comm/Instr?

LL Pilot- 10 years- over 5000hrs- 150ft current- daily rate- 500-900 light ship. Heavy/Med 1000-1500 a day?

HAA 3-5 years - 90K - IFR 4 per hour bonus- two types bonus 2 per hr- OT for 12-14?

Lets see what we can come with in the industry to help get pay where it should be, and get out of the 80's/90's.

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Msg ID: 2746901 Pay rate based on ability +1/-1     
10/13/2022 5:46:06 PM

Reply to: 2746889

TT 1000 - 4000 48, LL 376, light, heavy

Window 428, wall 6000 Low 200

Bannanas 187, 14358 Total Belly rubs 48


Oh, were we not just throwing numbers and incomplete phrases out there?

How about we first start out with complete sentences that make actual sense.

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Msg ID: 2746913 Pay rate based on ability +0/-3     
Author:well MR....
10/13/2022 7:08:30 PM

Reply to: 2746901

I guess making things abbreviated makes it to hard for you to understand.  Must be a civilian puke, because the Warrants, especially Blackhawk pilot can read Sand script.

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Msg ID: 2746926 Pay rate based on ability +1/-1     
10/13/2022 8:15:28 PM

Reply to: 2746889

are one thing, productivity is another.

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Msg ID: 2746928 Pay rate based on ability +0/-1     
10/13/2022 8:40:43 PM

Reply to: 2746889

You know your worth and the company does, you will be compensated for it. thenonly ones that complain about pay are either one trick ponies, or stuck in their current spot cause of lack of skill and or meeting requirements.

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Msg ID: 2746980 Choose what's best for you; even if it's non-flying +0/-1     
10/14/2022 9:05:46 PM

Reply to: 2746889

Not regretting leaving the helicopter world.  Getting paid VERY well for my skills I bring to the table and have a great schedule for my family to really be around for everything EVERY week.  

If you're willing to travel (utility/fires) or live in crappy places (Gulf; VIP in congested city; overseas work in austere conditions) then you can count on making good money as a helicopter pilot.  Probably able to comfortably financially retire at a normal age.  If you're retired military you'll make bank over everyone else.  Good for you.

Anywhere else... good luck.  Maybe you can find a good EMS operator that gives all those nice extras (IFR, ATP addition, COLA, etc.) or a VIP in a non-crappy city.  But those are the exception not the norm.  You'll be sacrificing a lot just to barely scr.ape by on a decent level of retirement and that's hopefully if your house is paid off, you have family land to retire on, etc.  Think about the current housing market, inflation, etc.  Good luck being "comfortable" in retirement at normal helicopter pilot pay scales.

If you want to be well compensated for your skills consider getting your FW ratings and go airlines OR corporate (only slightly painful for first few years, especially now it's raised SO MUCH, then the pay skyrockets; you could retire in 10-15 years and be set for life) OR just get out of the helicopter world altogether.  

There ARE decent aviation-related jobs out there.  Be advised, a big utility company offered me $130-180K starting to be a UAS dispatcher.  I was shocked!  Not even an operator... and they were willing to pay for FAA dispatcher school.  There are safety jobs, aviation analyst type jobs, FBO manager, LOTS of airline related non-flying jobs.  You'd be shocked what kind of management jobs you can get in/near aviation from the experience you had as a pilot. 

I have a friend who got a job with an aviation maintenance gig and they were shocked a pilot would want to quit flying.  When he told them he started out flying EMS at $31/hr they COULDN'T BELIEVE IT.  They take recent high school kids (no A&P and no requirement for them to get one) and they're making $29-30/hr in 5-6 years!!!  

Be patient in your online search and don't get discouraged.  Also: just apply even if it looks like you don't have a specific thing they're looking for.  They recognized that many (well, it's questionable in the helicopter world now) aviators actually take initiative and can follow directions with minimal guidance to know they can train you in whatever field they're in.  Just start applying and keep trying.  If you're willing to move then there are TONS of options out there.  

Don't waste your life chasing a flying dream if you've realized it's a dream you need to wake up from... or worse, it's really a nightmare. 

Don't let the industry dictate your life and don't let it ruin your family.  You only live once.  

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Msg ID: 2746984 Choose what's best for you; even if it's non-flying +1/-1     
Author:Not Disagreeing
10/14/2022 9:45:11 PM

Reply to: 2746980

But the rule is, people find their niche, then get addicted to it. If they don't become addicted, they get in a rut, then stay there.

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