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Msg ID: 2746816 What’s the cause of the AW139 electrical fire  +0/-0     
Author:at 6,000’, both ENG High Side
10/12/2022 6:12:42 PM

and what else causing a high speed auto rotation to save the helicopter in Houma?

Concerned Leo flyer 

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Msg ID: 2746824 What’s the cause of the AW139 electrical fire  +7/-1     
Author:It's a
10/12/2022 6:49:30 PM

Reply to: 2746816


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Msg ID: 2746833 What’s the cause of the AW139 electrical fire  +0/-0     
10/12/2022 8:30:03 PM

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Msg ID: 2746834 What’s the cause of the AW139 electrical fire  +2/-1     
10/12/2022 8:32:00 PM

Reply to: 2746833

An occurrence was reported of smoke and fire ignition in the cockpit of an AW139 helicopter, leading to reduced control. The initial investigation evidence revealed signs of short circuit inside the forward cabin roof ceiling panel, due to chafing of an electrical cable against the rivets of the upper torque tube. It was determined that the chafed electrical cable was not routed in accordance with the applicable production drawings. Investigation is still ongoing to determine the root cause of the event.

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Msg ID: 2746836 these machines really are garbage (NT) +4/-1     
Author:plastic krap
10/12/2022 8:46:39 PM

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Msg ID: 2746848 these machines really are garbage +6/-1     
10/13/2022 6:37:02 AM

Reply to: 2746836

POS W/NO support too!!!!

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Msg ID: 2746994 The AW139 isn’t your mom & pops B206  +0/-3     
Author:Now get your azz out there
10/15/2022 3:11:04 AM

Reply to: 2746848

and work on it.

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Msg ID: 2747189 The AW139 isn’t your mom & pops B206  +0/-0     
Author:chicken snake
10/17/2022 5:27:08 PM

Reply to: 2746994

When you find time, look up all the AD's & ASB's that came with the BH206. It wasn't wasn't free from issues either. 

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