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Msg ID: 2746523 AMC Contract +4/-6     
Author:Well well well...
10/9/2022 1:59:22 PM

So how is it working without a contract.

AMC current employees, did you know that new hires are getting paid way more than senior pilots.

Just applied for a job, and was offered 110K base with 9000K stipends for experience with sign on bonus 15K.

Spoke with a friend of mine and who works there, and has over 10 years.... only making 89-92K... jeez.

I guess the only way to get a raise is to leave and come back.

Msg ID: 2746526 AMC Contract +6/-1     
Author:seems high and
10/9/2022 2:48:57 PM

Reply to: 2746523

how come your good buddy at AMC doesn't know how much he makes? Lol bro

Msg ID: 2746527 AMC Contract +1/-8     
Author:Lol bro is Weird Because Weird
10/9/2022 3:01:40 PM

Reply to: 2746526

Lol bro has never heard income expressed as a range. Weird lol Dude guy has no idea of any reason why salaries could be expressed in a range of income.

Msg ID: 2746528 AMC Contract (NT) +8/-2     
10/9/2022 3:50:28 PM

Reply to: 2746527

Msg ID: 2746533 AMC Contract +0/-4     
Author:I have a reason why
10/9/2022 4:49:22 PM

Reply to: 2746527

it's because its a troll bro 

Msg ID: 2746530 AMC Contract +7/-1     
10/9/2022 4:20:47 PM

Reply to: 2746523

Which base did they make that 135k offer for??? Hmmm???

Msg ID: 2746531 AMC Contract +9/-2     
Author:AMC pilot
10/9/2022 4:29:31 PM

Reply to: 2746530
We still have a contract idiot.

Msg ID: 2746532 AMC Contract +6/-2     
10/9/2022 4:48:30 PM

Reply to: 2746531

NOT Ask about any specific contract just,which base made the 135k offer?!?!?! Do tell or JSTFU & go away troll boy!

Msg ID: 2746562 Yup, a contract that is no longer the standard for (NT) +0/-1     
Author:pay, benefits, seniority, ....
10/10/2022 8:48:55 AM

Reply to: 2746531

Msg ID: 2746544 AMC Contract +5/-1     
10/9/2022 10:23:23 PM

Reply to: 2746523

Tell me you're a liar without telling me you're a liar.

We still have a contract stupid. and you ain't making $110k a year

Msg ID: 2746550 AMC Contract +2/-1     
10/9/2022 11:57:11 PM

Reply to: 2746523

believe you.

Msg ID: 2746587 AMC Contract +4/-1     
10/10/2022 2:14:00 PM

Reply to: 2746550

So much love..... so little intelligence !!

Msg ID: 2746705 AMC Contract +1/-1     
10/11/2022 8:03:11 PM

Reply to: 2746587

There's that stated as truth and that which is the truth.  The difference is what

most occurs.



Msg ID: 2746801 AMC Contract +1/-1     
10/12/2022 4:20:38 PM

Reply to: 2746523

One reason the OP put a range was probably to protect the person and make it less easy to find out who it was.

You guys on here are like.. if I don't see a date of birth and SSC number, well I guess its fake news.

Jeez what a bunch of .... fill in the rest.

Truth- If you don't think that an any company right now that new hires are getting paid better than senior employees, you are fooling yourself.

Msg ID: 2747315 AMC Contract +0/-0     
Author:it pays to be a new guy
10/19/2022 12:41:41 PM

Reply to: 2746523

YUP, just helped someone get a job with AMC.  He took a pool position and gets 3 dollars an hour less than I do and I have 10 years with the company.  He gets his 15k sign on bonus before I get my 15k "retention" bonus, he also gets the 10% stipend (no longer 10% modifier) for being in the pool.  The company royaly messed up the pay scale and the Union is going to look the other way during negotiations.....
