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Msg ID: 2742086 Just Wondering +12/-1     
Author:The Thinker
9/11/2022 5:43:43 PM

I wonder how much better off we would be today if we just had "www" and not this "underbelly" we call "Social Media"?

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Msg ID: 2742097 Just Wondering +14/-0     
9/11/2022 8:15:19 PM

Reply to: 2742086

"Social Media" will be the undoing of this country. 

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Msg ID: 2742241 Just Wondering +2/-0     
9/13/2022 9:02:30 AM

Reply to: 2742097

That and politicians not understanding life is not about them, but they being leaders first, politicians second.

Ain't gonna happen.  As is our national culture reflects their demented behavior.

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Msg ID: 2742208 Just Wondering +3/-1     
9/12/2022 7:18:08 PM

Reply to: 2742086

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Msg ID: 2742264 Make mine a double! (NT) +2/-1     
9/13/2022 10:56:40 AM

Reply to: 2742208

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Msg ID: 2742797 Just Wondering +0/-0     
9/19/2022 6:13:32 PM

Reply to: 2742086

Social Medit is garbage, no privacy.

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