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Msg ID: 2741968 That's alot of TFR,s +0/-0     
9/11/2022 7:47:53 AM


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Msg ID: 2741977 That's alot of TFR,s +2/-2     
Author:The nature of government
9/11/2022 9:27:06 AM

Reply to: 2741968

is to grow. When a big ego can grab people's stuff he grabs as much as he can. 

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Msg ID: 2741986 That's alot of TFR,s +0/-1     
Author:Sir, you’re
9/11/2022 10:32:41 AM

Reply to: 2741977

in an arbys 

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Msg ID: 2742242 That's alot of TFR,s +0/-0     
9/13/2022 9:05:17 AM

Reply to: 2741986

same US Guvmint - mint the dollars and throw them about with all abandon of reason.

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Msg ID: 2741994 That's alot of TFR,s +1/-1     
9/11/2022 11:13:54 AM

Reply to: 2741968

Not that many, compared to a normal fire season. 

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Msg ID: 2742077 That's alot of TFR,s +1/-1     
9/11/2022 4:16:59 PM

Reply to: 2741968

by a few, for a few!

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