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Msg ID: 2741907 Golden Handcuffs +4/-3     
Author:As An Employee Who Earns $1Mil
9/10/2022 5:00:09 PM

Wears golden handcuffs. Any employee who makes hundreds of thousands wears Silver handcuffs. Less than 2 hundred thousand wears iron handcuffs. If they can call you in for mandatory overtime, or to cover open shifts, or tell you when and if you can take paid vacation, say you can and cannot do in your off time, and in general control you away from work in any way, they own you. 


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Msg ID: 2741909 Golden Handcuffs +1/-2     
Author:yeah and
9/10/2022 5:09:51 PM

Reply to: 2741907

they require you be somewhere at a certain time and tell you when you can leave, too. it's really not fair and oppressive lol have you ever even had a job

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Msg ID: 2741933 Golden Handcuffs +0/-1     
Author:You Must Loved Being A Bona
9/10/2022 7:59:42 PM

Reply to: 2741909

Fide wage slave.

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Msg ID: 2741910 Golden Handcuffs +0/-3     
Author:my company won't let me
9/10/2022 5:12:48 PM

Reply to: 2741907

smoke crack on my days off because they drug test me and I feel so owned

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Msg ID: 2741916 Golden Handcuffs +0/-1     
9/10/2022 6:20:58 PM

Reply to: 2741907

Ya'll working wrong place. I wear velvet handcuffs... 

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