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Msg ID: 2741667 O60sCOTD +24/-0     
9/8/2022 8:11:53 AM

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Msg ID: 2741679 O60sCOTD +0/-2     
9/8/2022 9:08:45 AM

Reply to: 2741667
What is a COTD?

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Msg ID: 2741683 O60sCOTD +5/-2     
9/8/2022 9:41:57 AM

Reply to: 2741679

Old 60's Crap Of The Day. Inspired by Junior who didn't appreciate history. He didn't like pictures of this "old 60's crap".

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Msg ID: 2741684 O60sCOTD +4/-0     
Author:Heli pilot
9/8/2022 9:47:45 AM

Reply to: 2741683

I like it!!    

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Msg ID: 2741695 O60sCOTD +13/-1     
9/8/2022 11:55:05 AM

Reply to: 2741667

when men earned their keep!  

Pops or not, back then you'd have a lot of trouble keeping up with them.  I know, I'm one of them, and it was a stretch for me to keep up (massively lazy), do the work, be successful at it, and maintain my sanity.  On arriving home and processing for leave I was paid 28 days back leave I was not expecting.

Ooops, forgot to go on R&R, no wonder it was such a beotch!

Up at 0430, brief at 0500, breakfast (could never keep it down so stopped partaking), fly 6-10+ hours, RTB by 1900 or so, back at it next day, and the day after, and the day after the day after the day after.  

Easy, eh?  Try it, you'd do swell. BTW, ur forgiven, cuz you have no clue and never will, and we all know it.

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Msg ID: 2741699 "O60sCOTD" Army to enforce 30 day retro flight total of 100, 110, 120 or  +1/-0     
9/8/2022 12:38:12 PM

Reply to: 2741695

"O60sCOTD" Army to enforce 30 day retro flight total of 100, 110, 120 or 140 hours stick time. Din't work very well, ended up short daily requirements such that those under the max might fly day and night, continuous, until the maxed or fell asleep at the controls.

That period, somehow, became the deadliest 3 months of my tour. No fatalities the year prior and then 3 complete crews lost and one fatal head-shot. Oh, and one through the front seater's armpit, through the joiont between back and side armor and up the back seat's shinbone to lodge under the kneecap...

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Msg ID: 2741726 "O60sCOTD" Army to enforce 30 day retro flight total of 100, 110, 120 or  +4/-1     
Author:pink team
9/8/2022 3:03:44 PM

Reply to: 2741699

Best story I ever heard was from an old W4 who spoke about being 19 years old in Vietnam, with 300 hours, flying a Cobra and doing stupid stuff.  

He said he was so young and dumb that they did things in the heliocpter not because they could but because they didn't know they couldn't.  

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Msg ID: 2741791 "O60sCOTD" Army to enforce 30 day retro flight total of 100, 110, 120 or  +0/-2     
Author:So what was the story
9/9/2022 11:56:53 AM

Reply to: 2741726

that's not a story 

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Msg ID: 2741795 "O60sCOTD" Army to enforce 30 day retro flight total of 100, 110, 120 or  +0/-0     
Author:Heli pilot
9/9/2022 12:31:56 PM

Reply to: 2741791

I can appreciate what pink team is saying.   Back in the day, I think we learned on the fly ( so to speak ).

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Msg ID: 2741913 "O60sCOTD" Army to enforce 30 day retro flight total of 100, 110, 120 or  +0/-0     
Author:pink team
9/10/2022 5:40:36 PM

Reply to: 2741791

Not my story to tell...

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Msg ID: 2742246 "O60sCOTD" Army to enforce 30 day retro flight total of 100, 110, 120 or  +1/-0     
9/13/2022 9:20:01 AM

Reply to: 2741699

it was insanity looking back on it.  On first hitting the schedule I hadn't had a day off in five weeks and was really wondering what I had gotten myself in to.  Got the word out we were inviting disaster/s without paying attention to fatigue.  I was told, and this is verbatim, "son, this is war, get with it" to which I replied "yeah, we're waging war on ourselves" and promptly departed.  Two days later all pilots would have one day off per week if possible.  Was proud of myself until they made the usual days longer!?  Just couldn't win unless the Price of Exit hit, or a years toll hit the calendar.

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Msg ID: 2742799 "O60sCOTD" Army to enforce 30 day retro flight total of 100, 110, 120 or  +0/-0     
9/19/2022 6:22:53 PM

Reply to: 2741699

the knee cap - ugh, max pain!

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