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Msg ID: 2740148 Camp Lejeune claim +8/-4     
Author:Just a question folks
8/25/2022 2:08:39 AM
While I didn’t ever serve at Camp Lejeune or any military installation of any kind I feel entitled to some compensation for enduring an onslaught of advertising! TV, radio, internet pop-ups, a dozen e-mails a day, non attorney spokesperson……. My employer even e-mailed a link to anyone about the right age.

For those that are legit sick from something directly traced back to Lejeune I am sorry for the jest.

Also for anyone who got sick I think everyone in American and probably beyond is aware by now that there are plenty of law firms out there arms deep in this action

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Msg ID: 2740191 Nice! +3/-1     
Author:A man of wealth and taste
8/25/2022 3:12:12 PM

Reply to: 2740148

(1953 - 1987) Stationed there in 1953 and still kicking?!?!? Where do I get some of that water?

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Msg ID: 2741567 Camp Lejeune claim +0/-0     
9/7/2022 10:53:05 AM

Reply to: 2740148

to mention the onslaught of old Joe pushing the purchase of Medicare supplements.  Thinking about getting rid of cable and all its advertising, just not worth it anymore.  Streaming and free TV for news seems the way to go.

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