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Msg ID: 2739477 Any IFR programs in New York? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Any good to work for?
8/17/2022 10:57:33 PM

Msg ID: 2739490 Any IFR programs in New York? (NT) +1/-0     
8/18/2022 1:55:31 AM

Reply to: 2739477

Msg ID: 2739493 Any IFR programs in New York?  +0/-0     
8/18/2022 4:54:42 AM

Reply to: 2739490
Metro has an opening at Pennstar in NJ

Msg ID: 2739511 Any IFR programs in New York?  +0/-3     
Author:New Program
8/18/2022 9:41:38 AM

Reply to: 2739490

Mercy Flight Central

Going to 4 A119's SPIFR..

Got skills...apply..

Should have first bird maybe November.

Msg ID: 2739494 Any IFR programs in New York?  +0/-0     
8/18/2022 4:55:55 AM

Reply to: 2739477
Metro in NJ for Pennstar. EC145 SPIFR.

Msg ID: 2739568 Any IFR programs in New York?  +3/-1     
8/18/2022 4:37:43 PM

Reply to: 2739494

= Med team running the show i.e. telling Pilots what/how/when to fly. They have gone through al most every vendor & for a reason too!! Stay away! NO I was NOT fired nor turned down for a position, in fact I have worked for a vendor with that program & left after 6 mos on my own terms.

Msg ID: 2739754 Any IFR programs in New York?  +2/-0     
Author:Good on
8/20/2022 10:00:14 AM

Reply to: 2739568

you.  PS is simply a center city Philly pushy culture.  Too bad they have no clue what they could achieve through support and encouragement but since it all starts at the top it isn't going to happen.  Foot voting required.

Msg ID: 2739666 Mercy Flight WNY is NOT an IFR program. We have ZERO SPIFR pilots!!  +0/-1     
Author:Are they allowed to operate IFR
8/19/2022 3:30:41 PM

Reply to: 2739646

under their 135 certificate. if so, they are an IFR program anytime they want.

Msg ID: 2739714 No, we are not. We have NO IFR pilots on the certificate!!  +1/-0     
Author:False advertising to customers
8/19/2022 9:59:27 PM

Reply to: 2739666

You have obviously no clue what you are talking about. We have no qualified SPIFR or DPIFR rated pilots on the certificate. we are a VFR program only!!!

Msg ID: 2739719 No, we are not. We have NO IFR pilots on the certificate!!  +0/-2     
Author:I heard you the first time
8/19/2022 10:25:06 PM

Reply to: 2739714

are they allowed to conduct IFR operations on their certificate. Yes or no.

Msg ID: 2739734 No, we can not. MercyFlight WNY is NOT an IFR program. (NT) +1/-0     
Author:False advertising.
8/20/2022 7:47:35 AM

Reply to: 2739719

Msg ID: 2740059 How big it your mirror, btw? (NT) +0/-0     
8/23/2022 10:40:18 PM

Reply to: 2739734

Msg ID: 2739743 Hiw would you know, you don't work there anymore (NT) +1/-1     
Author:Go Away poser!
8/20/2022 9:34:01 AM

Reply to: 2739714

Msg ID: 2740161 No, we are not. We have NO IFR pilots on the certificate!!  +1/-0     
8/25/2022 7:28:51 AM

Reply to: 2739714

your program best have rated IFR pilots, ie instrument privileges on their certificates.  Being rated is one thing, having a 135 IFR .297 check is an addition.

I know, duh 🙄.

Msg ID: 2739742 If their OPSPEC allows them to be a SPIFR program, then it is not (NT) +0/-2     
Author:false advertising to say they are such!
8/20/2022 9:31:30 AM

Reply to: 2739646

Msg ID: 2739800 Like saying you taxi service without drivers or cars (NT) +1/-0     
Author:Promote a service you can’t provide
8/21/2022 8:19:04 AM

Reply to: 2739742

Msg ID: 2739840 NPIFR (NT) +0/-0     
8/21/2022 7:33:15 PM

Reply to: 2739800

Msg ID: 2740162 If their OPSPEC allows them to be a SPIFR program, then it is not +1/-0     
8/25/2022 7:32:26 AM

Reply to: 2739742


OPSPECS do not equate to the reality as to whether the SPIFR option is accessed or not.  Advertising has to be based on reality, not potential in OPSPECS.
