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Msg ID: 2739393 Has Anyone Heard Of This Bomb EFIS ?  +2/-2     
Author:Converts Cockpits To All Glass
8/17/2022 12:18:32 PM

With no modification to the cockpit.

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Msg ID: 2739394 Has Anyone Heard Of This Bomb EFIS ?  +4/-1     
8/17/2022 12:21:12 PM

Reply to: 2739393

You Velcro 10 iPads to the panel. Don't forget to put them all in airplane mode though.

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Msg ID: 2739397 Has Anyone Heard Of This Bomb EFIS ?  +2/-1     
8/17/2022 12:35:45 PM

Reply to: 2739394

Now that's funny $h!t. 💩

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Msg ID: 2739417 Has Anyone Heard Of This Bomb EFIS ?  +3/-1     
8/17/2022 3:14:30 PM

Reply to: 2739393

I hate when people put out the wrong or incomplete information. you only need 10 if you're using iPad mini, you can get away with five by using the full-size. Obviously the guy above was not an avionics tech are taking this serious. fyi this is sarcasm. 

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Msg ID: 2739419 Has Anyone Heard Of This Bomb EFIS ?  +0/-3     
Author:what's an efis bomb
8/17/2022 3:56:07 PM

Reply to: 2739417

and why would I want it

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Msg ID: 2739440 Has Anyone Heard Of This Bomb EFIS ?  +3/-1     
Author:Sorry I Meant BOM EFIS ADHRS
8/17/2022 6:50:31 PM

Reply to: 2739393


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Msg ID: 2740321 Has Anyone Heard Of This Bomb EFIS ?  +0/-0     
8/26/2022 3:30:07 PM

Reply to: 2739393

Wow! nice piece of tech.  

Thats's The Bom!

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