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Msg ID: 2738405 Best Low Altitude Helicopter +0/-0     
Author:Op end
8/8/2022 10:58:18 PM

Whats the best scud runner?

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Msg ID: 2738418 Best Low Altitude Helicopter (NT) +1/-1     
Author:Who, Not What.
8/9/2022 12:16:16 AM

Reply to: 2738405

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Msg ID: 2738432 Best Low Altitude Helicopter +0/-1     
8/9/2022 6:31:27 AM

Reply to: 2738405

I prefer the "ALTITUDE AQUIRE" or "GO AROUND" Button

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Msg ID: 2738455 Best Low Altitude Helicopter +0/-1     
8/9/2022 11:04:25 AM

Reply to: 2738405

Depends on what and where you're flying.

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Msg ID: 2738457 Bell 222. Two bladed, deep-sounding; The Sound of Freedom +5/-0     
Author:The good ol’ days
8/9/2022 11:21:34 AM

Reply to: 2738405

Yep.  Nothing like the sound of the big two-bladed Bells.

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Msg ID: 2738464 Best Low Altitude Helicopter +4/-0     
8/9/2022 1:48:26 PM

Reply to: 2738405

Hands down.

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Msg ID: 2738483 Best Low Altitude Helicopter +1/-0     
Author:Agreed %100
8/9/2022 5:16:31 PM

Reply to: 2738464

Nice 500E Sportscar & if you like burning fuel go for the 530FF!

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Msg ID: 2738484 Best Low Altitude Helicopter +2/-1     
Author:The 500 is good for utility
8/9/2022 5:21:44 PM

Reply to: 2738483

nothing else. anybody that says it's something special has never flown it. 

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Msg ID: 2738487 Best Low Altitude Helicopter (NT) +0/-0     
8/9/2022 5:26:36 PM

Reply to: 2738484

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Msg ID: 2738499 Best Low Altitude Helicopter +12/-1     
8/9/2022 5:44:30 PM

Reply to: 2738405

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Msg ID: 2738599 Good god, boy! +1/-0     
8/10/2022 7:45:34 PM

Reply to: 2738405

I've been off this forum for a week or so.

Came back to take a quick look and I see this dumbass question.

The fact that people are giving actual answers just proves that this forum has gone nowhere in 20 years.


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Msg ID: 2738638 Good god, boy! +0/-1     
8/11/2022 10:52:21 AM

Reply to: 2738599

much defines our lot, but, it's our lot, and we're happy with it.  If ur not, see ya later, or not.

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