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Msg ID: 2735128 GOM  +1/-5     
Author:Banker B.
7/9/2022 11:15:03 AM

HAs anyone went thru PHI Hiring interviews lately. How does it go and does someone need to expect?  

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Msg ID: 2735129 GOM  +4/-1     
7/9/2022 11:31:04 AM

Reply to: 2735128

"Good Lord"

I thought the FAA required at least a high school level education or are we setting the bar too high.

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Msg ID: 2735135 GOM  +3/-2     
7/9/2022 12:26:15 PM

Reply to: 2735128

I went through it about 13 years ago and from what I understand it's still similar to now. Written test covering parts 61 and 91 of the FAR's followed by a interview flight showing pilotage and dead reckoning skills with a few general manuvers. They will review your logbook and ask some general questions about your career. Hope this gives you a little help. Good luck!

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Msg ID: 2735172 GOM  +1/-1     
Author:Used to be
7/9/2022 6:45:18 PM

Reply to: 2735128

Have your certificate, current medical, logbook, drivers license or other government ID with you.  Look business presentable (if you don't know what that is don't bother showing up).  Be prepared to speak, listen, follow simple directions and take a basic written quiz about (guess what?) aviation stuff. Flight in real aircraft or sim depending. 

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Msg ID: 2735173 GOM  +1/-2     
Author:Don’t bring your logbook
7/9/2022 6:46:15 PM

Reply to: 2735172

nobody will ask for it

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Msg ID: 2735513 GOM  +0/-0     
Author:I’m a Blackhawk pilot
7/13/2022 7:23:15 AM

Reply to: 2735173

I should be fine. I hear they like blackhawk pilots 

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