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Msg ID: 2733919 Aramco Aviation Department going private  +7/-1     
Author:Abdul the tent maker
6/28/2022 12:35:22 AM

Bristow is peddling for it.

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Msg ID: 2733925 Boudreaux going to run and manage Abdullah? (NT) +4/-0     
Author:Now that will be a sight to see
6/28/2022 4:22:21 AM

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Msg ID: 2734203 Aramco Aviation Department going private  +0/-0     
7/1/2022 1:33:26 PM

Reply to: 2733919

bYe bye "5 year millionaires!"

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Msg ID: 2734243 Aramco Aviation Department going private  +1/-0     
7/2/2022 8:56:46 AM

Reply to: 2734203

that is true.  Some of experienced pilots got paid more than you might guess.

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