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Msg ID: 2733168 Hey Class “A” Airspace Guy And RTAG Guys +0/-1     
Author:Have There Been Any Recent
6/20/2022 10:29:08 PM

Developments in mandatory retirement or medical condition disclosures?

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Msg ID: 2733169 Hey Class “A” Airspace Guy And RTAG Guys +0/-1     
Author:Recent Court
6/20/2022 10:30:34 PM

Reply to: 2733168

Case regarding mandates decided in favor of airline pilots. And there is more.


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Msg ID: 2733172 Yes, ..... +0/-0     
6/20/2022 10:36:10 PM

Reply to: 2733168

Flying for the airlines requires both pilots (Captain and FO) to have an ATP with type ratings.   Checkrides ever 6 months.   First Class Medical every 6 months.

Current mandatory retirement age is 65 for Part 121 flying

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Msg ID: 2733185 Yes, ..... +0/-0     
6/21/2022 12:32:25 AM

Reply to: 2733172

yeah we know lol 

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