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Msg ID: 2733066 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +21/-2     
Author:Burst your bubble
6/20/2022 2:57:04 PM

Basically, just like stolen valor.  Posers.

FAR 1.1 Definitions----->

Flightcrew member means a pilot, flight engineer, or flight navigator assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight time.

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Msg ID: 2733070 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +3/-4     
Author:You idiot
6/20/2022 3:19:30 PM

Reply to: 2733066
See your GOM for company defination.

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Msg ID: 2733072 Company deifications? (NT) +1/-1     
6/20/2022 3:26:54 PM

Reply to: 2733070

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Msg ID: 2733073 DEF-Jam-Nations (NT) +0/-1     
6/20/2022 3:28:14 PM

Reply to: 2733070

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Msg ID: 2733074 Defecations (NT) +0/-1     
6/20/2022 3:29:09 PM

Reply to: 2733070

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Msg ID: 2733078 Who cares +1/-1     
Author:We know
6/20/2022 4:22:08 PM

Reply to: 2733074

They are worthless self loading baggage.  

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Msg ID: 2733801 Who cares +0/-0     
6/26/2022 9:24:17 PM

Reply to: 2733078

if they'd just act like baggage!!

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Msg ID: 2733086 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +1/-7     
Author:Far part 135 captain
6/20/2022 4:43:30 PM

Reply to: 2733070
Who does the final walk around before you take off on a HAA flight. Who disconnects the APU, briefs passengers/patients and helps with radio calls when designated by the FAR part 135 captain. When is the last time a United or Americal Airlines captain assigned those duties to you on a commercial flight. I'm guessing he didn't because you were self loading baggage. Look in your GOM. Far part 1 does not cut it for this argument.

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Msg ID: 2733092 FAR Part 1 is all that cuts it in this argument. (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Facts matter.
6/20/2022 5:15:02 PM

Reply to: 2733086

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Msg ID: 2733094 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +4/-1     
Author:Ground crew
6/20/2022 5:26:49 PM

Reply to: 2733086

United captain has the ground crew do the final walk around and disconnect the APU. 

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Msg ID: 2733095 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +2/-1     
Author:Flight attendant
6/20/2022 5:31:34 PM

Reply to: 2733094

Flight Attendants make radio calls to operations and brief passengers.  Not flight crew either. 

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Msg ID: 2733098 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +2/-1     
Author:passengers are
6/20/2022 5:36:08 PM

Reply to: 2733086

regularly assigned the duty of operating the emergency exits.

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Msg ID: 2733105 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +2/-1     
6/20/2022 5:52:59 PM

Reply to: 2733098

That so true

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Msg ID: 2733110 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +1/-1     
6/20/2022 6:05:05 PM

Reply to: 2733105

If your GOM allows self loading baggage to be considered flight crew the Feds have seen it and consider it to be okay. There isn't a whole lot of a GOM that requires FAA certification.  Everything else your company's policy.  Again the Feds have seen it and are okay with it.

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Msg ID: 2733140 It calls them crewmembers, not flight crews! (NT) +2/-0     
Author:Medical crewmembers!
6/20/2022 8:21:31 PM

Reply to: 2733110

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Msg ID: 2733191 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches (NT) +0/-0     
Author:you in an exit row?
6/21/2022 4:30:27 AM

Reply to: 2733086

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Msg ID: 2733192 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +2/-1     
6/21/2022 5:27:56 AM

Reply to: 2733086

When the "135 Captain" asks "tail clear left?" and you don't even bother looking and just answer yes and the A/C hits the tree, who gets in trouble?  

Untill they get a certificate or something that can be pulled by the FAA they are customers.

When was the last time you flew on Delta and the "121 Captain" asked you a question?

It's just the FAA/operators stroking the customers ego.

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Msg ID: 2733437 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +1/-0     
Author:Never going back.
6/23/2022 11:25:56 AM

Reply to: 2733086

The pilot should be doing all of those things. Med crew are passengers. If your company does it any other way, they have a flawed safety culture and a peverted interpretation of rules and laws. Usually this all happens when the medical side of the house bitches the loudest. I'll only work for aviation companies that fly medical patients, not medical companies that use helicopters. 

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Msg ID: 2734011 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +0/-0     
Author:"FAR part 135 captain"
6/28/2022 11:09:29 PM

Reply to: 2733086

Looks like some med crew have snuck their way into a helicopter pilot forum... Laughing Laughing.  It's gettin personal.. HA!

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Msg ID: 2733470 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +0/-0     
6/23/2022 4:07:50 PM

Reply to: 2733070

definition cannot preempt FARs unless released to do so by FAA Legal in DC.  Don't fall in to the idea a FSDO can do that, they can't.

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Msg ID: 2733111 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +0/-0     
Author:Leave them alone. It’s good for their IG
6/20/2022 6:20:35 PM

Reply to: 2733066

Plus you know who is really in charge. It's not like they are claiming to be DEVGRU Operators.

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Msg ID: 2733128 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +0/-0     
Author:Are Required Flight Attendants
6/20/2022 7:32:52 PM

Reply to: 2733066

Crew Members?
Crew means any person performing flight duties during flight(somewhat paraphrased).

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Msg ID: 2733164 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +0/-0     
6/20/2022 10:07:35 PM

Reply to: 2733066
Why does this matter so much to you?

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Msg ID: 2733213 Stolen Valor?  +1/-2     
6/21/2022 9:51:13 AM

Reply to: 2733066

Stolen Valor?  So becoming a pilot or part of the aircrew now means you have valor?  Continue to water down the Stolen Language. 

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Msg ID: 2733263 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +2/-3     
Author:You are a pilot with an
6/21/2022 2:59:54 PM

Reply to: 2733066

small PP.   

Med crews are crews who are flying.  It takes a team to comply with all the company wants an needs... what they define them as has nothing to do with the fact that you as the pilot ... are a very small part of company.  Put your ego back in your flight bag and do your job.   

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Msg ID: 2733289 do you tell people you're (NT) +1/-1     
Author:a doctor too?
6/21/2022 5:07:14 PM

Reply to: 2733263

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Msg ID: 2733309 do you tell people you're +1/-2     
6/21/2022 5:45:04 PM

Reply to: 2733289

They are "flight attendants",aka "cabin crew".

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Msg ID: 2733333 No, only that I played one on a radio show once. (NT) +0/-0     
6/22/2022 7:37:27 AM

Reply to: 2733289

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Msg ID: 2733438 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +3/-0     
6/23/2022 11:30:13 AM

Reply to: 2733263

It's not ego. It's the experience of knowing Med crews are insane and not to be trusted. You should get in. Sit down, put your seat belt on and stop distracting the flight crew with your bullcrap. 

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Msg ID: 2733472 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +3/-0     
6/23/2022 4:23:11 PM

Reply to: 2733263

with one exception which most would agree medical crews working under the idea their work definition involves 'flight' crew tends to involve their creeping in to ownership of command only the pilot realistically and legally owns.  

That said the pilot also has the obligation to listen to all 'pertinent' input AND the medical 'flight' crew cannot 'interfere' with the pilot effecting his or her responsibilities by inundating the pilot with 'input'.  

Most medical people have an inkling of how far their chatterbox mouths should be open.  Unfortunately some take it a bit further in to demanding the pilot make certain decisions and that is exactly where interfering with a legally defined flight crewmember, not medical flight crewmember, or medical crewmember, can/may become a required report to the company and FAA.

Had a medical character tell me the next time a pilot did not do as he told him to do he was going to get on to the 'aviation VHF' frequency and complain to the 'tower, or eroute radar controller' etc.  It was really a roll the eyeballs moment, and so did his (eyeballs) when I told him his thinking was creeping in to an aircraft hijack scenario which might result in an F16 or such on the tail of the aircraft.  Told him if that occurred I certainly would wish him luck dealing with it.  Never heard another word about that trash and he did adjust his 'thinking'.

From the mouths of babes, or is closer to morons?

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Msg ID: 2733435 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +0/-1     
6/23/2022 10:40:18 AM

Reply to: 2733066

Don't worry about it hoss, just be a good, obedient, vendor pilot and do your job.  It's not like you can do anything about it except complain. 

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Msg ID: 2733802 Attn: ALL Med Crew with "Flight Crew" Stickers or patches +0/-0     
6/26/2022 9:26:55 PM

Reply to: 2733435

you can, you can leave.

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Msg ID: 2733788 Bro you have a small dong if you care that. (NT) +0/-0     
6/26/2022 5:35:28 PM

Reply to: 2733066

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