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Msg ID: 2732442 I got it +0/-2     
Author:IT dude
6/15/2022 10:55:49 AM
One more lesson and I think that I will be on top of this Internet Explorer thing.

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Msg ID: 2732465 I got it +1/-1     
6/15/2022 2:27:02 PM

Reply to: 2732442



good one


love how they get hacked via some dumb coonazz clickbait on a email, then jump through their azzes on password encryption levels that rival top secret mil clearances....


It's not a password problem idiots,


It's a dumb azz mechanic problem getting emails from scamers who are exploiting the more moronic in your work force....


Me having a 25 character computer generated password is not gonna help with the phishing,



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Msg ID: 2732475 I got it +0/-1     
Author:A Non E. Mouse
6/15/2022 4:18:45 PM

Reply to: 2732465

Geek squad rejects.

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