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Msg ID: 2730972 Whatever happened  +1/-1     
Author:to Heliworks
5/31/2022 3:48:05 PM

in Pensacola? Just realized they're not around anymore

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Msg ID: 2730989 Who Cares? (NT) +3/-4     
Author:Just a thought
5/31/2022 7:58:46 PM

Reply to: 2730972

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Msg ID: 2731074 Who Cares? +6/-0     
Author:A lot of help you are
6/1/2022 12:47:42 PM

Reply to: 2730989

Ask a legitimate helicopter related question and this becoming the typical response.

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Msg ID: 2731014 They were bought out +5/-0     
5/31/2022 9:09:08 PM

Reply to: 2730972

I *think* L3 bought them out and ultimately closed the Pensacola facility.

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