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Msg ID: 2729297 Oil & Gas Pilots should be making  +16/-2     
Author:a lot of money now
5/14/2022 6:11:53 AM

Oil, production and service companies making money like there's no tomorrow.  I'm sure all you oil & gas pilots are reaping the benefits as well.  At least an 8% pay raise every month to keep up with inflation, right?  Plus safety bonuses and extra holiday pay just like the oil companies.  

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Msg ID: 2729337 Oil & Gas Pilots should be making  +2/-1     
5/14/2022 1:39:43 PM

Reply to: 2729297

I think inflation is 8% a year. they pay you what they have to pay you, just like any other business. extra holiday pay lol

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Msg ID: 2729340 Oil & Gas Pilots should be making  +1/-2     
5/14/2022 1:44:23 PM

Reply to: 2729297

OP, simple minds produce simple posts !

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Msg ID: 2729345 Oil & Gas Pilots should be making  +1/-1     
Author:65-72K with a .08% raise.not changing
5/14/2022 2:50:44 PM

Reply to: 2729297

in the near future

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Msg ID: 2729346 Oil & Gas Pilots should be making  +0/-0     
Author:nobody paying less than
5/14/2022 3:34:18 PM

Reply to: 2729345

80 in the GOM

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Msg ID: 2729347 Less than 80k? (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Yes at RLC & WW
5/14/2022 4:39:48 PM

Reply to: 2729346

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Msg ID: 2729387 Are you a dope & crack smoking Pilot with a  +12/-1     
Author:waiver to do so from the FAA?
5/15/2022 12:35:55 PM

Reply to: 2729297

Or you must be drunk every night, maybe just drinking too much company Kool-Aid?

Helicopter companies view pilots as... well, nothing.  You are lucky they gave you a job.

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Msg ID: 2730855 Oil & Gas Pilots should be making  +0/-0     
5/30/2022 12:36:34 PM

Reply to: 2729297

gonna be the next problem, which means a diesel trucking problem, another area our "current clowns" will fail to rise to the solution!




Country falling from within courtesy of ?......??

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Msg ID: 2732804 Oil & Gas Pilots should be making  +0/-0     
Author:older guy too
6/18/2022 7:31:56 AM

Reply to: 2730855

That Joe is a powerful guy. With the wave of his hand he raises the price of gas all over the world. Could he be in the pockets of big Oil ore people need someone to blame because the former is butt hurt and can't stand to lose. Can't wait to see Donnie in an orange jump suit with a number on his chest.

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Msg ID: 2732830 Oil & Gas Pilots should be making  +0/-0     
Author:TDS alert
6/18/2022 12:41:32 PM

Reply to: 2732804


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