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Msg ID: 2729054 Bell 412 EP fuel burn - also foreflight +1/-0     
5/11/2022 1:52:36 PM

Hey there folks,


Would anyone happen to have the Bell 412Ep hourly fuel burn?


I'd also be interested if you have a Bell 412EP performance profile I could use in Foreflight ? It's all for simulation, but nonetheless will be much appreciated.


Have a great week and safe landings!

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Msg ID: 2729084 Bell 412 EP fuel burn - also foreflight +3/-0     
5/11/2022 6:59:40 PM

Reply to: 2729054

110 gph is a good baseline. Performance can vary widely depending on installed kits (Fast fin, d vs df engines, etc.)

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Msg ID: 2729090 Bell 412 EP fuel burn - also foreflight +4/-0     
Author:x412 guy
5/11/2022 8:12:19 PM

Reply to: 2729084

800 lbs per hr give you alittle planning cushion/ fast fin / 412EP

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Msg ID: 2729094 Bell 412 EP fuel burn - also foreflight +0/-0     
5/11/2022 8:51:55 PM

Reply to: 2729090


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Msg ID: 2729095 Bell 412 EP fuel burn - also foreflight +1/-0     
5/11/2022 8:52:29 PM

Reply to: 2729084

Thanks for lending a hand!

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Msg ID: 2729646 Bell 412 EP fuel burn - also foreflight +0/-0     
Author:EP Pilot
5/17/2022 10:50:40 PM

Reply to: 2729095

I always average about 690-695 with DF engines. Was taught the 800pph for planning but found out that the numbers are always spot on. 

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Msg ID: 2730164 Bell 412 EP fuel burn - also foreflight +0/-0     
5/23/2022 4:38:04 PM

Reply to: 2729646

I have operated rue of thumb 70% TQ 700 lbs, 80 % 800 lbs and so on.

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