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Msg ID: 2727532 Musk buys twitter (NT) +20/-1     
Author:Libs exploding
4/25/2022 4:49:17 PM

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Msg ID: 2727544 Musk buys twitter +1/-3     
Author:That's Great
4/25/2022 6:57:54 PM

Reply to: 2727532

Albeit  late, i've gone over to TRUTH SOCIAL

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Msg ID: 2727560 Musk buys twitter +6/-7     
Author:Truth social lol
4/25/2022 9:00:21 PM

Reply to: 2727544

You're the only one

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Msg ID: 2732805 Musk buys twitter +0/-0     
Author:older guy too
6/18/2022 7:34:49 AM

Reply to: 2727544

Truth social? That is truly an oxymoron. Truth from the lips of an orange haired grifter who dodged the draft so his hair wouldn't get messed up.

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Msg ID: 2732829 Musk buys twitter +1/-0     
6/18/2022 12:40:45 PM

Reply to: 2732805

wicked TDS. get some therapy.

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Msg ID: 2727546 Musk buys twitter +1/-4     
Author:How much?
4/25/2022 7:10:44 PM

Reply to: 2727532

Tree Fiddy????????

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Msg ID: 2727562 Musk buys twitter +7/-0     
4/25/2022 10:15:59 PM

Reply to: 2727546

You really don't need twitter! Del the app and go outside!

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Msg ID: 2727575 Musk buys twitter +3/-0     
4/26/2022 8:53:37 AM

Reply to: 2727562

You don't need outside! Del the world and get on JH to remind everyone to go outside!


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