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Msg ID: 2724683 Wind Turbines Are Similar In Design To  +2/-3     
Author:Rotor Blades And Have Many Of
3/31/2022 2:15:37 AM

The same problems. Problems that prevent them from being a solution to renewable energy.


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Msg ID: 2724687 Wind Turbines Are Similar In Design To  +0/-2     
Author:It doesn’t appear there is any
3/31/2022 6:26:21 AM

Reply to: 2724683

relationship at all.

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Msg ID: 2724688 No kidding (NT) +1/-0     
3/31/2022 7:15:22 AM

Reply to: 2724683

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Msg ID: 2724729 No kidding +0/-0     
3/31/2022 2:19:34 PM

Reply to: 2724688

Any third week primary WOC could have told them that.  Is there anyone left in the world that doesn't speak with an English Acccent.  Did we go meteric and I missed it !!

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Msg ID: 2725054 Yes we went Metric in the late '60's +0/-0     
4/4/2022 3:20:29 AM

Reply to: 2724729

It just did not 'Take' they tried with the Pinto, but the dammned masses kept going back to SAE

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