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Msg ID: 2723748 Power Line Crash +1/-7     
3/21/2022 8:33:50 AM

Circumstances. Why did the ydid Pwr lines should be NOT  Crashed due to unknown circumstances. RIP "PILOTS OF THE CARIBBEAN LLC",P96_MAKE_NAME,P96_FATAL_FLG:21-MAR-22,MD+HELICOPTERS


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Msg ID: 2723751 Huh? +9/-3     
3/21/2022 9:41:11 AM

Reply to: 2723748

Does anybody bother to proof read anymore?

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Msg ID: 2723754 Two Parts +1/-1     
3/21/2022 10:38:28 AM

Reply to: 2723748

In the case of the  driving example you gave after 14 hours etc,  the FAA doesn't care as long as you are no longer flying. If you feel too tired to drive ( which would be expected ) it's personal responsibility. I have  had plenty of two hour drives back to base after 14 hours duty, but usually in day  time after night shift . I have also just called my RAM  and explained I am beat and plan to get a hotel room . 

Its the old story that you can get away with anything , until you have an issue like getting into a MVA or incident in the heli .. then all the Lawyers  come out..

My advice , that I now follow,  is I dont go over 14 and if it looks like that could happen.  I call my RAM or PAM and explain I am tired and plan to implement the F in  IMSAFE and call it a day and if away from Base get a hotel. So far I have never been called out on that decision. 



to the proof read peeps, go teach an English Class , this is a chat forum not a High School..



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Msg ID: 2723758 Two Parts +5/-1     
Author:In case u don’t know
3/21/2022 11:57:41 AM

Reply to: 2723754

Almost no one speaks English in south Florida. 

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Msg ID: 2723761 Two Parts +2/-1     
3/21/2022 12:13:59 PM

Reply to: 2723758

Dat! Or No Albo Englay

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Msg ID: 2723790 Power Line Crash +1/-0     
3/21/2022 7:25:54 PM

Reply to: 2723748

A couple of older airplane pilots, not rated in helicopters, flying around in a H500 at low altitude, had some issue and crashed hitting powerlines on the way down or were just too low and hit them causing the crash...TBD.

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Msg ID: 2723837 Power Line Crash +0/-3     
Author:that was in Florida
3/22/2022 11:45:23 AM

Reply to: 2723790

you dumb twat

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Msg ID: 2723849 Power Line Crash +6/-0     
3/22/2022 3:45:52 PM

Reply to: 2723790

"A couple of older airplane pilots, not rated in helicopters, flying around in a H500 at low altitude..."

HATEDpan> having professional fixed wing pilots as students. Unlearning a previous technique, habit is harder than an ab initio learning to fly. Once those pros were in the instrument flying phase, they were miles and miles ahead. Then the transition to a hover.... ooh!

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