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Msg ID: 2722814 Another Perfect Recruit For The Ranks Of +4/-3     
Author:Helicopter Pilots
3/10/2022 9:47:20 PM

Or maybe even a fligh nurse or medic.


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Msg ID: 2722846 That poor guy, er’ thing, how sad (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Just wanted to be a ‘star’
3/11/2022 12:01:32 PM

Reply to: 2722814

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Msg ID: 2722852 Another Perfect Recruit For The Ranks Of +1/-1     
Author:What a tool.
3/11/2022 3:21:33 PM

Reply to: 2722814

He sets the stage for years of sensless rioting from a fabricated event. Hope somthing happens to him in prison for that stunt. And the OP is a tool for even making light of it..

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Msg ID: 2722857 Another Perfect Recruit For The Ranks Of +2/-1     
Author:I Didn’t Make Light Of It
3/11/2022 4:25:04 PM

Reply to: 2722852

I made it helicopter related.

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Msg ID: 2722870 Another Perfect Recruit For The Ranks Of +0/-2     
Author:uh, no
3/11/2022 6:00:48 PM

Reply to: 2722857

that doesn't make it helicopter related bro

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Msg ID: 2722883 Another Perfect Recruit For The Ranks Of +2/-0     
3/11/2022 9:48:24 PM

Reply to: 2722814

not innocent.  He's just scared to death he'll be in overwhelming demand in the joint!!

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Msg ID: 2723573 Another Perfect Recruit For The Ranks Of +1/-0     
Author:H elicopter
3/19/2022 12:25:50 PM

Reply to: 2722814

pilots are the most eclectic group I am familiar with.  

From full functional test pilots flying the line for operators to PHDs and Masters Degree individuals to less than GED individuals all in one bunch.  

What to do?

Good question.

How about stoop overthinking it?

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