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Msg ID: 2722734 Virginia state police Crash +0/-0     
3/10/2022 12:05:25 PM

Virginia State Police.  What happen this time????

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Msg ID: 2722743 Went into a spin and hit the ground (NT) +0/-2     
Author:Must have stalled out
3/10/2022 1:50:10 PM

Reply to: 2722734

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Msg ID: 2722765 Went into a spin and hit the ground +1/-1     
3/10/2022 4:47:26 PM

Reply to: 2722743

the engines developed the hiccups.

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Msg ID: 2722805 Virginia state police Crash +0/-1     
3/10/2022 7:48:58 PM

Reply to: 2722734

Heard wx was building and they suffered a down draft as he approaching the dolly to land.

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Msg ID: 2722817 Virginia state police Crash +1/-4     
3/10/2022 10:13:23 PM

Reply to: 2722805

possible but I don't believe that one, and yes I have decades of dolly experience.  Most dolly problems are faulty design, lack of usable markings, and lack of maintenance or training.  Beyond that are just plain ver-confident pilots finding excuses for inattention.

BTW, Dollie's suchkk.

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Msg ID: 2722836 Virginia state police Crash +0/-2     
Author:dude says he’s got
3/11/2022 10:00:47 AM

Reply to: 2722817

decades of dolly experience makes him dolly expert talks about faulty design lol

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Msg ID: 2722844 Virginia state police Crash +0/-2     
Author:got a can of spray paint
3/11/2022 11:42:24 AM

Reply to: 2722817

you got yourself some of them usable markings and I don't even have decades of experience

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Msg ID: 2722845 Weatherc_ck instability +0/-1     
Author:Ain't fun
3/11/2022 11:46:54 AM

Reply to: 2722734
30 knots up the pipe will humble anyone. Very expensive mistake however.

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Msg ID: 2722847 Weatherc_ck instability +2/-1     
Author:I would not
3/11/2022 12:16:36 PM

Reply to: 2722845

attempt a cart landing with those kinds of winds. 

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Msg ID: 2722853 Weatherc_ck instability +2/-1     
3/11/2022 3:42:27 PM

Reply to: 2722847

We always placed the cart/dolly into the wind since it's mobile to aid the pilot, just saying. Why would you land on a dolly with a tail wind? 

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Msg ID: 2722887 Weatherc_ck instability +0/-1     
Author:Only if
3/11/2022 9:55:47 PM

Reply to: 2722853

you have no choice.

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Msg ID: 2722897 Weatherc_ck instability +1/-2     
Author:You always
3/12/2022 1:18:45 AM

Reply to: 2722887

have a choice

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Msg ID: 2722885 Weatherc_ck instability +1/-3     
3/11/2022 9:53:58 PM

Reply to: 2722845

knots is just stable flying speed.  Not hard to handle, except for those who can't.

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Msg ID: 2722891 Weatherc_ck instability +0/-1     
3/11/2022 10:51:33 PM

Reply to: 2722845

If it is a EC-145 it has heading hold below 40 kts and feet off pedals it will do very good job of holding heading.

If a metro EC-145e I believe it does not have heading hold just a 2 axis autopilot.

LTE is a thing in any big rotor/little rotor helicopter.

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Msg ID: 2722895 Weatherc_ck instability +1/-1     
3/12/2022 1:15:07 AM

Reply to: 2722891

Metro 145e is Helisas n its 3 axis in that aircraft.  The SE Helisas is 2 axis.  A 4th axis is in developmemt.

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Msg ID: 2722960 Weatherc_ck instability +0/-1     
Author:LTE is only
3/12/2022 4:28:02 PM

Reply to: 2722891

an issue for the 206 series.  Most all other accidents attributed to LTE are either LTA or pilot error in responding to winds.  Read the reports.  The investigators didn't understand LTE either.

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Msg ID: 2723538 Weatherc_ck instability +0/-0     
3/18/2022 11:04:58 PM

Reply to: 2722960

fly a 350D and mess with it.

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