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Msg ID: 2722663 407gxi question +0/-1     
3/9/2022 7:49:50 PM

 Anyone know if the new GXI is heavier than the standard GX?

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Msg ID: 2722823 407gxi question +0/-2     
3/11/2022 12:59:49 AM

Reply to: 2722663
Yes, more servos and generators. Why would bell cut the weight?

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Msg ID: 2722850 407gxi question +0/-2     
Author:my 1 penny
3/11/2022 2:32:43 PM

Reply to: 2722823

Guessing heavier for all the IFR stuff...


But the IFR stuff is confusing to me... Single engine Helicopter you had to fly and be able to land if your engine fails.... so you kind play hop scotch kinda sort of...  how would that work in the IFR enviroment... you lose your engine then what....  

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Msg ID: 2722863 407gxi question +0/-0     
Author:I ask that
3/11/2022 5:02:23 PM

Reply to: 2722850

very question.


Only to be told in the IFR environment it does not matter.

Those same people say Cessna's have been flying for years like that.

I guess they missed aerodynamics 101 and the law of conservation of energy.

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Msg ID: 2722867 407gxi question +0/-0     
Author:please tell me
3/11/2022 5:28:13 PM

Reply to: 2722863

what you learned in aerodynamics 101 that is so relevant

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Msg ID: 2722898 407gxi question +1/-0     
Author:SE IFR
3/12/2022 1:25:22 AM

Reply to: 2722863

What advantage does an SE airplane have over a SE helicopter IMC during an engine failure? The key to a successful out come in either case would be what the ceiling is.  If its low...say 500ft...neither will have much room to manuever but the helicopter will need much less room for a successful landing.  If either are on a ILS with a 200 ft ceiling, when the engine quits, both are pretty much screwed when they break out although the helicopter would at least have time to flare over whatever it is they are over at the monent.

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Msg ID: 2722872 407gxi question +1/-2     
Author:Get a clue
3/11/2022 6:27:41 PM

Reply to: 2722850

Yes the gxi is heavier.  Over 150 lbs.

there are a ton of ifr aircraft that are single engine.  show me in the far where it says second engine.  The number of engine failures in ifr flight is basically negligible.  

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Msg ID: 2722896 407gxi question +2/-1     
Author:you dont have to get the GXi IFR
3/12/2022 1:18:35 AM

Reply to: 2722872

The IFR portion of the GXi is via an STC which includes the 3axis AP, dual pitot, dual generators, etc.  Plenty sold without.


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