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Msg ID: 2722302 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-7     
Author:Fars written to confuse.
3/4/2022 2:28:33 PM

Rule on this debate.  


Pilot is 40+
1st class medical. 

EXPIRED on 05/2021


Works a 91 gig only thag doesn't require a  first class any longer.  

Good to fly til 5/31/2021 (expired)

or good til 5/31/2022 ?


what say you ?




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Msg ID: 2722304 Medical ??? What say you ? +3/-1     
Author:Not much help
3/4/2022 3:08:42 PM

Reply to: 2722302

It's not just the FAR's that were written to confuse. What are you actually asking?

The FAR's are pretty clear in their chart, 61.23(d), If you hold a 1st class, and you are any age, conducting an operation requiring a Commercial Certificate, then 12th month after the month of the date of examination shown on the medical certificate.

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Msg ID: 2722306 Medical ??? What say you ? +2/-1     
Author:you're so confused your question
3/4/2022 3:21:14 PM

Reply to: 2722302

doesn't even make sense.

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Msg ID: 2722308 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:R D Nekk
3/4/2022 3:26:26 PM

Reply to: 2722302

"Rule on this debate.   

"Pilot is 40+
"1st class medical. 

"EXPIRED on 05/2021


"Works a 91 gig only thag doesn't require a  first class any longer.  

"Good to fly til 5/31/2021 (expired)

"or good til 5/31/2022 ?"

When was the actual st class physical done?

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Msg ID: 2722316 Medical ??? What say you ? (NT) +1/-0     
Author:6 months previous.
3/4/2022 3:45:36 PM

Reply to: 2722308

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Msg ID: 2722320 Medical ??? What say you ? +2/-0     
Author:very basic
3/4/2022 4:27:48 PM

Reply to: 2722316

it doesn't matter who you work for, under what part or what pilot certificate level you hold. the rules are all the same. 

Under the new regulation, third class medicals issued to pilots under age 40 became valid for a maximum of 60 months, up from 36 months. Pilots who are age 40 and older will still renew a third class medical every 24 months.

First class medical certificates are now valid for 12 months for pilots who had not reached age 40 at the time of their medical examinations. Pilots age 40 and over will continue to renew a first class medical every six months.

Under the new regulation, when the first class privileges expire after twelve months, the first class medical lapses to a third class medical. The regulation change does not affect the duration of second class medical certificates, so, for pilots under age 40, the first class and second class medical durations run concurrently for twelve months. 


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Msg ID: 2722339 Medical ??? What say you ? +1/-3     
3/4/2022 9:23:15 PM

Reply to: 2722320


class of medical does not change. 

first class is always a first class. 
second class cant turn into a 3rd. 

get back in the books. 

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Msg ID: 2722340 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:Yeah. We know
3/4/2022 9:38:01 PM

Reply to: 2722339

Its all about the privileges you can exercise. So wut.

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Msg ID: 2722363 Medical ??? What say you ? +1/-0     
Author:Explained here
3/5/2022 7:34:27 AM

Reply to: 2722340


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Msg ID: 2722365 3 years as a third class medical, 1 year as a second class (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Flying for hire/compensation = 2nd class
3/5/2022 7:47:26 AM

Reply to: 2722302

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Msg ID: 2722381 Medical ??? What say you ? +3/-2     
3/5/2022 1:02:23 PM

Reply to: 2722302

might be mixing a couple variables.  If the 1st class privilege expired on the date you mention then there are six months left on the commercial privilege, aka pilot flying for hire.  


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Msg ID: 2722427 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:If you’re confused by
3/6/2022 6:09:20 PM

Reply to: 2722381

FAA medical regs, you are probably not cut out for a job more complicated than dog walker and that might be a bit much.

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Msg ID: 2722442 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
3/6/2022 9:04:31 PM

Reply to: 2722427

Assumptions are all you!

English lessons in ur future.

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Msg ID: 2722446 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-2     
Author:FARs Were Purposely Written
3/7/2022 12:59:09 AM

Reply to: 2722427

Vaguely so as to afford the FAA the option of interpreting them any way they want, any time they want.

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Msg ID: 2722453 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:As I said
3/7/2022 6:04:24 AM

Reply to: 2722446

If you can't figure out the medical regs, you're a complete moron. How is this vague in any way.

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Msg ID: 2722458 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:tell us about a reg that confuses you
3/7/2022 7:32:46 AM

Reply to: 2722453

so we can mercilessly mock you

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Msg ID: 2722469 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
3/7/2022 8:48:57 AM

Reply to: 2722302

You must be dumb! If he is commercial pilot he must have a second class medical that is good for a year! So it will expire 11/30/21

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Msg ID: 2722493 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
3/7/2022 3:56:00 PM

Reply to: 2722469

This level of critical thinking bespeaks the helicopter community perfectly, well, not all of it.  There are some really smart people in rotary wing aviation, just not as many, relatively speaking to their respective populations as, say, airline pilots.  

The OP stated the first class expired 5/'21, ergo 6 months left as a second class.


Millenial action here?

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Msg ID: 2722494 Medical ??? What say you ? +1/-1     
3/7/2022 3:56:59 PM

Reply to: 2722493

worries, recent ex-mil getting confused 🤔.  Pretty normal these days.

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Msg ID: 2722499 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:you really need to get
3/7/2022 4:53:53 PM

Reply to: 2722493

you some of that grammerly. those two sentences are a hot mess bro. like english is your third language hot mess.

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Msg ID: 2722525 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:What about those sentences
3/7/2022 10:05:45 PM

Reply to: 2722499

We're too hard for you to understand?

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Msg ID: 2722529 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:kind of, yeah
3/8/2022 7:32:40 AM

Reply to: 2722525

the reader shouldn't have to wade through a mess like that for just a simple point. it's wordy. punctuation wrong. vocab weird and pretentious. it's a good example of a middling brain that's trying too hard.

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Msg ID: 2722543 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:You Are Unqualified
3/8/2022 11:09:51 AM

Reply to: 2722529

To be preaching on the subject. 

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Msg ID: 2722557 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-2     
Author:maybe but
3/8/2022 1:27:13 PM

Reply to: 2722543

read it out loud to yourself and it might dawn on you how much you sound like a jackass.

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Msg ID: 2722600 Medical ??? What say you ? +0/-1     
Author:Read What Out Loud?
3/8/2022 7:41:34 PM

Reply to: 2722557

Tell us where you are confused. Then point to the place on the doll where they touched you.

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