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Msg ID: 2722183 Any U of U guys here who go back to when +1/-1     
Author:AMC had the contract? (NT)
3/2/2022 10:21:13 PM


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Msg ID: 2722212 Any U of U guys here who go back to when +1/-1     
3/3/2022 10:24:12 AM

Reply to: 2722183


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Msg ID: 2722216 Any U of U guys here who go back to when +1/-1     
Author:Questions in text...
3/3/2022 10:52:26 AM

Reply to: 2722212

How did that transition go, did everyone have to reapply for their jobs?  Did they offer comparable pay and benefits?  Any major differences in company culture?  How much input did the customer have?

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Msg ID: 2722342 Any U of U guys here who go back to when +0/-1     
3/4/2022 9:41:33 PM

Reply to: 2722216

They had Each pilot send in their resume. They did more of get to know you interview. Most pilots got a raise, some kept current pay. In my opinon they gave raises to offset the lack of vacation and Sicktime they offer

For BI they sent the training dept to our program due to size, check-rides in the field. 6 months afterwards we started going to Shreveport for SIM.

I enjoyed both companies. Pro and cons like any place. But I do like the fact I can call the D.O. Or C.P. And share my thoughts. AMC had just gotten to big and lost in the layers of Management.

The customer has a big say. We had a couple pilots that didn't get offers to stay with the program. 

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Msg ID: 2722794 Any U of U guys here who go back to when (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Thanks for the reply. (NT)
3/10/2022 6:47:53 PM

Reply to: 2722342

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