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Msg ID: 2719947 Any of you Army Aviators Enjoy Your Post  +6/-0     
Author:In Germany ? Reforger?
2/11/2022 1:38:29 AM

Flying around the world renouned forests of Germany. You better enjoy them while you can. They are paving paradise, to put up a parking lot.


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Msg ID: 2719950 Any of you Army Aviators Enjoy Your Post  +2/-0     
2/11/2022 3:03:41 AM

Reply to: 2719948

Yes, a little town SW of Frankfurt. Supported the 8th ID headquarters from 80-83. Loved every minute of it. Returned in 2018 to find all the housing gone (new condos there) and the airfield covered by a German version of Home Depot. The little town had grown into a small city. 

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Msg ID: 2719978 Any of you Army Aviators Enjoy Your Post  +3/-0     
2/11/2022 11:55:01 AM

Reply to: 2719950

1980-1985 at Finthen AAF, been to BK many times! Also went back to Finthen from 1988-1991. Only so many places for a Cobra pilot.

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Msg ID: 2719977 Any of you Army Aviators Enjoy Your Post  +4/-0     
Author:4/11 ACR
2/11/2022 11:26:55 AM

Reply to: 2719947

Froze my azz off in Fulda, but some of the most challenging and fun flying ever!

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Msg ID: 2720437 Any of you Army Aviators Enjoy Your Post  +0/-0     
Author:UH-1 in Stuttgart area
2/14/2022 6:54:15 PM

Reply to: 2719947

I arrived in Germany in August 1986 as a UH-1 WO1 pilot at Cooke Barracks in Goppingen, home of the 1st IDF (Infantry Division Forward) and flew all over Germany, mostly south of Frankfurt to the Austrian border.

Went to Stuttgart in 1988 and left just as Desert Shield was forming. Best flying in my career, used 1:50,000 maps, very rarely got up to 1000'.

Went back in 2002 to Landstuhl as a UH-60 MEDEVAC pilot, couldn't fly below 1500' AGL unless landing or in an approved low level training area. My old maps were still accurate, just couldn't use them.....

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