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Msg ID: 2719891 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +1/-5     
Author:a self-driving car
2/10/2022 1:37:36 PM

The driverless car has a much higher level algorithm. (The amount of information to be processed by AI is MUCH higher) Maybe 100 times higher. 

We will see true pilotless aircraft long before true driverless cars.  Note: The "successful, driverless" cars are on pre-planned, pre-programmed routes.  They cannot yet simply take to the streets.  Not even close.

The people who scoffed at this 5 years ago are starting to look under-informed.


Msg ID: 2719894 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +6/-1     
2/10/2022 1:59:02 PM

Reply to: 2719891

a helicopter flying without a pilot is not news. people are not going to get in an helicopter without a pilot. nobody cares about about a less complicated algorthm.


Msg ID: 2719908 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +3/-0     
Author:Philly Guy
2/10/2022 4:41:56 PM

Reply to: 2719894

Imagine if the EC135 that had a hard landing in Philadelphia a couple of weeks ago had no pilot on-board. The outcome surely would not have been so good.

Msg ID: 2719916 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +0/-1     
Author:don't be so sure
2/10/2022 6:32:58 PM

Reply to: 2719894

They said people wouldn't get into an elevator with out a human operator and people said they wouldn't get on trains that don't have a driver but they do that every day.

Msg ID: 2719919 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +0/-1     
Author:An elevator?
2/10/2022 7:27:14 PM

Reply to: 2719916

lol How the hell would you know that and how is it remotely the same thing. No trains without operators. 

Msg ID: 2719966 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +1/-0     
Author:How would I know?
2/11/2022 9:10:56 AM

Reply to: 2719919

How would would know what people thought in the past? You got me there. If only there was a way to look things up and learn about them. It is called research. With the internet it is easy before that there were these things called books.

the following is from an Inc. article. You can find many similar notations in many others places of reference:

"Interestingly, although elevator operators were common through the mid-1900s, there were driverless elevators as far back as the early 1900s. There was just one problem. Nobody trusted them. Given the choice between the stairs and a lonely automated elevator, the elevator would remain empty. It wasn't until the middle of the twentieth century that the tipping point came along for the driverless elevator as the result of a strike by the elevator operators' union in New York City in 1945."

As for trains with no operators, all I can tell you is don't go to an airport here in the US with a tram system or to Japan, or France, or Germany, or Venezuela if you want to keep yourself in the dark about that.

How is it remotely the same thing? Because when people find out that they don't need an operator to be safe, they don't care. They just want to get from point A to point B. Autonomous busses are already being used do you really think NOBODY will go into an unmanned aircraft if it is convenient and safe?

We know pilots safely fly every day. We also know that most dangerous component of an aircraft is the pilot. It makes sense to many that if you eliminate the component that causes 80-90% of the accidents in aircraft you might just have a safer transportation option. 



Msg ID: 2720075 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +0/-0     
Author:Inc article
2/12/2022 3:33:26 PM

Reply to: 2719966

is not a vetted history book. It's a completely anecdotal statement. Just forget about comparing elevators and helicopters. It's ridiculous.

There are no autonomous buses. Not even in "Venezuela". lol

Like I said, those trams are not trains. They operate on very small and completely closed systems. Because it's on a track doesn't make it a train. There will be no unmanned helicopters because it will never be safe. It's not going to happen. 

Msg ID: 2720259 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +0/-0     
Author:It's true. even if you don't think so.
2/13/2022 2:45:19 PM

Reply to: 2720075

You are right, Inc. is not a history book but it references history. Do you only believe things that were in your history book at school? Lok up the 1945 elevator operator's strike if you want more info. I gave you the trail to be more informed, It is your choice to follow it.

As for "NO autonomous busses:"

"ROCHESTER, Minn. — Two low-speed, driverless, electric, multi-passenger shuttles called the Med City Mover are now available for free public rides in downtown Rochester, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation."

Again, the internet can actually help you learn things and to easily win an argument against someone who doesn't seem to have a broad range of knowledge.

It is true that trams are not trains but the trains referenced in other countries are trains. Besides it is the same concept. 

You say unmanned helicopters will never be safe days after a Blackhawk flew unmanned and other have done the same. 

YOU are choosing to keep your head in the sand and that is fine. Just don't be surprised when the rest of the world passes you by.


Msg ID: 2719923 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +1/-0     
Author:to be fair
2/10/2022 8:33:57 PM

Reply to: 2719916

elevators, at the time, were highly complex pieces of machinery which required several minutes of training to be operated safely. 

Msg ID: 2719994 ha ha ha ha oh bullsh*t +0/-0     
2/11/2022 3:34:15 PM

Reply to: 2719894

tell me who ain't gonna get in a helicopter.

people will do what they have to do if they wanna ride.

take a rig ape for instance. if he don't want to get on the riderless helicopter and go offshore, then get the f off the property, somebody is here who wants his job and he is trespassing. there's a law agin that.

on the rig and don't want to fly home? well then git started swimming.

it's the same other places and for everybody else. anybody who don't want to fly, take a bus if there is one. 

as for the rich who can call the shots, you really think they want to pay a couple of stick benders every month and have to breath the same air as those couple schmucks when they could be payin' for a robot once and then it does whatever they tell 'em to, with no questions asked, *and,* it don't f up like humans do?? no contest, baby. 

Msg ID: 2720041 ha ha ha ha oh bullsh*t +0/-0     
2/12/2022 1:33:14 AM

Reply to: 2719994

There will be no self flying helicopters with people on them, ever. At least not for decades at a minimum so who cares.

Msg ID: 2720050 ha ha ha ha oh bullsh*t +0/-0     
Author:I ain't seen no robots flying
2/12/2022 8:19:11 AM

Reply to: 2720041

no helicopters no place. When's this all supposed to happen again?

Msg ID: 2719898 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +0/-0     
Author: goal post moving
2/10/2022 3:17:22 PM

Reply to: 2719891

we scoffed ONLY 5 YEARS AGO and nothing has happened since but okay bro I'm feeling that I sure was under informed. lol. it was ONLY 20 years ago the Schweizer did the EXACT same thing. 

Msg ID: 2719903 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +2/-0     
Author:yeah but in the ops defense
2/10/2022 3:51:48 PM

Reply to: 2719898

who would have ever believed they would do in five years what they had already done 15 years before that. 

Msg ID: 2719915 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +1/-3     
2/10/2022 6:32:46 PM

Reply to: 2719891

Any RLO flight is a flight without a pilot.

Msg ID: 2719945 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +1/-0     
Author:it must have beer terrifying
2/11/2022 1:07:54 AM

Reply to: 2719915

the first time you got on an elevator and had to push that button and hope you didn't screw it up or it was going to kill you. and the tram at disney was something I swore I would never go on and I'm still not crazy about it as it's only been running for 50 years because you never know.

Msg ID: 2720031 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +0/-0     
2/11/2022 10:36:47 PM

Reply to: 2719891

Because the potential for collision (with everything) is so high.


Msg ID: 2720068 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +0/-0     
Author:In what sense is it “easier”
2/12/2022 2:12:58 PM

Reply to: 2720031

lol need to clear that one up bro.

Msg ID: 2720439 A self-flying aircraft is easier than +0/-0     
Author:DFW Terminal Shuttle
2/14/2022 6:57:20 PM

Reply to: 2719891

The only time I've ever been in a driverless vehicle was the Termianl Shuttle at DFW....
