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Msg ID: 2719574 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +35/-3     
2/7/2022 7:21:41 AM

If you're a young helicopter pilot hoping to make it in the rotary world, let me give you some advice.  Go to the airlines.  Run to the airlines.  Get your ATP, or if you can find it, let the airlines pay for an ATP for you.  There is an unprecedented opportunity for you young guns to make some serious cash and have a much better quality of life (in the long run, yes, you will have to suck it up for 5 years or's called work for a reason)  Looking back now, I wish I had the opportunity that anyone under the age of 45 has.  You could literally jump to the airlines at 45, do your 20 years, retire at the mandatory 65, and still have much more in the bank than you would if you keep flying helicopters.  It's hard to see the end when you're 25-35 years old but I'm telling you now...retirement worries will hit you in the face very hard at some point in your carreer.  Why not stack the deck in your favor with HUGE paychecks instead of scraping by at $80k a year?  JUMP OVER NOW!!!

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Msg ID: 2719576 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +3/-1     
Author:Some of us
2/7/2022 8:32:29 AM

Reply to: 2719574

Make more than 2x what you make, plus benefits, working less than 6 months a year.  I personally wouldn't care for the airline lifestyle🤷🏻‍♂️

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Msg ID: 2719577 Holy smokes!! A Unicorn!!! (NT) +1/-1     
2/7/2022 8:34:49 AM

Reply to: 2719576

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Msg ID: 2719578 No you don’t. You are a liar (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Stop the bs
2/7/2022 8:50:21 AM

Reply to: 2719576

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Msg ID: 2719618 Probably make triple, but it's a different life style +2/-1     
2/7/2022 4:59:40 PM

Reply to: 2719576

1. Airlines - You get to make your schedule (once you get a little serniority). You fly a lot more, but it's for the most part, pretty easy flying. Much safer than far as accidents go. Not sure about the other health consequences such as overnight, choice of meals, exposure to a lot more people

2. Corporate - You don't make your schedule, but you fly a lot less, but depending upon where you go to, you may spend a lot of time at remote locations - This is for some people, but not for others

3. 135 - Not my cup of tea. Fly your tail off, but at least you get a lot of FW experience in a lot of locations etc



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Msg ID: 2719816 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +1/-0     
Author:Living in an RV
2/9/2022 2:23:35 PM

Reply to: 2719576

I'd rather have the airline lifestyle then living in an RV

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Msg ID: 2719580 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +4/-1     
2/7/2022 9:05:10 AM

Reply to: 2719574

20 yr rotary wing guy here. Love helicopters but hate the helo industry. Making really good coin now but having serious doubts about the industry and my position in particular.

In JH's extreme credible opinion, is 44 too old to make the jump to airlines? 

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Msg ID: 2719585 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +3/-1     
Author:Do it
2/7/2022 9:50:06 AM

Reply to: 2719580

I know a kid that got every rating on the day he was legal to get it. He's now a  airline Captain on a 737 at age 25. Another friend did 25 years of law enforcement (non flying). He retired, did some instruction on the side and is now flying for a regional based in Wisconsin at age 53. 

You can do it. The OP is correct. Go for the higher paid job, build a nest egg so you can live comfortably later. Things are going to get rough in the next few years. Prepare. 

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Msg ID: 2719582 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +2/-3     
Author:For the love of what?
2/7/2022 9:34:23 AM

Reply to: 2719574
Yeah, if money is what you're chasing. Try to forget about that burning desire to fly a helicopter and put all your love into the almighty buck.

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Msg ID: 2719586 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +0/-1     
Author:Class A airspace
2/7/2022 9:50:24 AM

Reply to: 2719582

Stupidity is a mental illness! if you want to fly helicopters fine, just have a job that affords the opportunity to fly helicopters for fun at your own leisure. 

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Msg ID: 2719587 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +3/-1     
2/7/2022 11:02:11 AM

Reply to: 2719582

Having the almighty buck makes life much easier. For years and years I made nothing flying helicopters. Some great jobs and fun flying. Now, I make 4 times the pay of when I started and the job is not so much fun. In fact I fly for fun on the side. 

I agree with the poster, get a job in the airlines. When you can get an airplane or buy into an airplane on the side and do your "fun" flying there. Make as much money as you can because your life will be easier. Plus, you can help others out with money if the almightly dollar makes you so miserable.

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Msg ID: 2719591 Perspective change if you love helicopters +2/-1     
Author:An Army Guy
2/7/2022 12:24:41 PM

Reply to: 2719587

For real, you can go be an airline pilot for a short career if you're young and MAKE BANK to set you up for the rest of life.

THEN, use a small bit of money you made to get a helicopter license and fly all you want.  Either buy a helicopter because of the money you made or there will ALWAYS be helicopter jobs for low timers who don't pay crap and you'll have all the money in the world to make up for the crap pay.

Nobody ever shares considering doing that because the airlines weren't hiring like they are now.  You can be at a LCC or Major in WAY less than 5 years if you go in laser focused.  


I'm in my 40's and planning to do the jump myself.  It's TOTALLY worth the money for financial security when you don't have a government pension (which, if you're young: those are all going away... VERY few industries or government jobs will have them in 10-20 years). 

There are all new life perspectives when you're older that you have no idea about and if you don't have a wealthy family to help you out, some other great financial start in life, no family land to live on, or you just didn't do the absolute best with your money when you were younger you'd be crazy to not at least TRY to see if this opportunity will work for you.  Don't miss it.


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Msg ID: 2719590 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +2/-1     
2/7/2022 12:22:35 PM

Reply to: 2719574

And you get a whole whole whole whole lot more respect as an Airline Pilot!

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Msg ID: 2719601 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +2/-2     
2/7/2022 2:16:37 PM

Reply to: 2719574

Best part is the people in the back won't be getting in your business. Close and lock the door, program the FMS and away you go. No med pukes second guessing the weather, your decisions, or throwing you to the wolves if they don't like how you do something.

Yeah, wish I had that opportunity 20 years ago.

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Msg ID: 2719640 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +3/-0     
Author:Srsly do it now
2/7/2022 10:11:52 PM

Reply to: 2719601

Every word is true.  Go to the airlines ASAP. I left helicopters less than 4 years ago, already a capt at 220% of what I made as an IFR RW capt.  should have done it way earlier. 

leave helicopters ASAP

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Msg ID: 2719673 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +1/-0     
2/8/2022 10:41:33 AM

Reply to: 2719574

I think that is good advice.  Plus, the mandatory retirement age may well go beyond 65 in future.

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Msg ID: 2719785 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +1/-0     
Author:3 years to a major
2/9/2022 7:57:45 AM

Reply to: 2719574

I know guys getting hired at a major with less than 3 years at a regional, and they have not even upgraded yet. Right seat to right seat and bringing down $15k a month as a first year right seater just pulling gear, by picking up extra trips at 200 to 300% pay.


If you live in domicile the job is really good. If you have a tough commute, it will wear you down. If I could of moved, I would still be in the airlines. 

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Msg ID: 2719818 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +2/-0     
Author:42 years in Helo
2/9/2022 2:30:45 PM

Reply to: 2719574

Buddy went to the airlines when we were a couple of years into helicopters.  I said I love helicopters.  He just retired from united.  His paycheck was 46K a month.  He could make 60K a month if he worked overtime, but he had no need.

It was the biggest mistake of my career.  It's been ok, but man, did I screw the pooch.

If you can do it, do it!. 

They're hiring 7,000 pilots a year for the forseable future.  That doesn't even count if you want to work overseas, and man those guys pay even bigger!

Good luck.  You're crazy if you don't go for it, but you won't know that until you're 60 something and you'll remember you had a chance.

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Msg ID: 2719843 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +1/-0     
2/9/2022 6:28:03 PM

Reply to: 2719818

boat, almost.  1973, successful at Eastern and ecstatic to start, got shot down by Neil Eskolin (good guy) Supv.of Recruitment for a left eye at 20/25.  Said at 45 and peak productivity that eye would be 20/800 - he nailed it!!  So, no big iron for me.  

Still had a good career and family.  Highest comp was very slightly over 200k, big corporation, helicopters.

Go for the money if your family circumstance allows it.

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Msg ID: 2719821 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +0/-0     
2/9/2022 2:47:03 PM

Reply to: 2719574

Go run. Own your path. excuses are for, you know. Some of us a select few chose Rotory. I would do it again from the start. Go Stuck wing, hunt the money. Enjoy the rest of your day. 

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Msg ID: 2719822 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +0/-0     
2/9/2022 2:47:03 PM

Reply to: 2719574

Go run. Own your path. excuses are for, you know. Some of us a select few chose Rotory. I would do it again from the start. Go Stuck wing, hunt the money. Enjoy the rest of your day. 

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Msg ID: 2719828 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +1/-0     
Author:Love your life
2/9/2022 3:39:38 PM

Reply to: 2719574

dont take the $$ bait... do what you really love... become a master of that, and you will have a great life.

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Msg ID: 2720157 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +0/-0     
2/12/2022 8:49:45 PM

Reply to: 2719828

life is about life, that's what comes first, whatever it means to each person/pilot.

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Msg ID: 2720813 The airline money is good, because the airline lifestyle sucks. +1/-0     
2/19/2022 1:53:48 PM

Reply to: 2719574

Its one of the many reasons why there is an airline pilot shortage.

Yes the money is better, but you are away from home for half your life and spend it all in airline terminals and hotels.  No thanks.


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Msg ID: 2720869 The airline money is good, because the airline lifestyle sucks. +0/-0     
2/20/2022 12:08:40 AM

Reply to: 2720813

this isn't widely recognized. airline flying is a hell of a lot more like work than a lot of other kinds of flying. show  up and on the go with no breaks and little if any time for food for basically 12 to 14 hours. repeat for 3 to 5 days, sleeping if you can in hotels. get 3 to five days off, repeat.

everybody talks up the guy who makes 300K a year and flies 10 days a month to do it. what they don't tell you or don't know is that out of every guy who starts down the airline road, maybe 1 out of 10 gets those golden jobs and then only after a life like i've described above for maybe 10 or 15 years.

not saying the lure of the big iron isn't real. not saying the money isn't better at the end than with helicopters, because it is. but you will work like hell to earn it, and the majority of you won't get to it for one reason of the other. sh*t happens in life and it can happen to you. 

having said all that, my advice--? hell, give it a try. you will always wonder if you don't. just don't expect that you are going to the promised land, because you ain't. you're going to work. 

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Msg ID: 2720871 The airline money is good, because the airline lifestyle sucks. +1/-0     
Author:let me ax you this bro
2/20/2022 12:12:40 AM

Reply to: 2720869

have you ever been an airline pilot? as far as not making it, same thing for helicopters. difference is, we are already pilots. we know the game.

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Msg ID: 2720916 yes I was +0/-0     
2/20/2022 2:45:52 PM

Reply to: 2720871

Tried it, didn't like it, moved on. Only reason I said what I did is that a lotta folks think flyin a big shiny jet while wearing a necktie is gonna be big money Heaven. But there's more to it than that. Know before you go.

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Msg ID: 2720929 yes I was +0/-0     
Author:I don't know bro
2/20/2022 8:01:01 PM

Reply to: 2720916

you sound more like somebody that just repeats stuff he heard on the internet am I close

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Msg ID: 2720928 The airline money is good, because the airline lifestyle sucks. +0/-0     
2/20/2022 7:11:36 PM

Reply to: 2720871

Was I ever an airline pilot, no, but my father was.  I know what the lifestlye is.  I chose to fly helicopters.  To each his own.

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Msg ID: 2720994 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +1/-0     
Author:I agree… however
2/21/2022 2:57:05 PM

Reply to: 2719574

I completely agree, but the airline life is pretty miserable for the first 10 years if not until you retire. Crappy schedules, crappy commutes, jump seating across the country just to get to your hub, over nights regularly in crappy hotels, 3 days on 4 off etc never really getting time off. Then the flying... completely pathetic... being an automated drone for the rest of your life... Then the long haul health issues from all the high altitude.

Still better than being 65 and waking up at 2 am to go land on a highway in crappy weather to "save" some drunk driver and get paid half the salary and no real retirement. 


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Msg ID: 2721020 Young Helicopter Pilots.....Listen up! +0/-0     
2/21/2022 7:48:33 PM

Reply to: 2720994

if ur having fun ur probably not going to make much money.

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