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Msg ID: 2718136 Race to the bottom  +0/-3     
1/25/2022 8:27:07 PM
Who's going to get to the F-35 that fell off the Carl Vinson in the South China sea? How far away is the US recovery ship? Bet that China's is closer. The Navy needs a real long line on one of their Seahawks about now.

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Msg ID: 2718140 Race to the bottom  +5/-0     
1/25/2022 8:47:34 PM

Reply to: 2718136

Glomar Explorer

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Msg ID: 2718152 Race to the bottom  +15/-1     
1/25/2022 11:09:12 PM

Reply to: 2718136

China probably has had all the working details on that pig for a long time now. No need to waste time and money recovering what is left of it.

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Msg ID: 2718355 Race to the bottom  +2/-2     
1/27/2022 8:08:05 PM

Reply to: 2718152

Yep thanks to Hunter Biden the POS!!! Along W/his REAL POS Senile Scamming the US tax payers for 50+yrs Dad!! FJB!!!!

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