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Msg ID: 2717876 Man, the cryptos are really taking a dump  +1/-2     
Author:Glad I got out when I did
1/23/2022 11:05:26 AM

Made a bit overall, but Im sitting this out for a while. I did buy BTC when it was $400 years ago :)


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Msg ID: 2717877 Man, the cryptos are really taking a dump  +6/-2     
1/23/2022 11:33:17 AM

Reply to: 2717876

you did and if only there was a website somewhere out there where people are interested in talking about this.

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Msg ID: 2717884 Hey Z… Nobody cares what you think or  +0/-0     
Author:What you have done
1/23/2022 2:51:25 PM

Reply to: 2717876

Go back sleep zzzzz

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Msg ID: 2717886 Ditto (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Mindless in Amerika
1/23/2022 2:58:02 PM

Reply to: 2717884

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Msg ID: 2717940 Man, the cryptos are really taking a dump  +0/-0     
Author:Bernie Madehoff
1/24/2022 12:17:39 PM

Reply to: 2717876

Bernie went to jail for what Cryto hacks are doing now.  It's as big a ponzie scheme as social security

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